She knows

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Jane had just fallen asleep when Nick had left for work . 2 hours later is when the pounding on the door started. I ran out of my bedroom and looked out of the window. The police cruiser was parked across the road. Why was Nick pounding so vigorously on the door?

I swing open the door to reveal two teenagers. Probably siblings. They looked in distress.

"Is Nick ok?", I say without thinking.

"We need to come in.", said the older girl. Her raspy and panicked voice the one ever so similar to the girl I spoke to on the phone.

"Deena?" I ask. She nods. "Oh then come in. Sorry I didn't know who you were. Just try to keep quiet. Jane is sleeping."

I motion them to follow me and we speed walk to the lounge. They had more serious faces on.  I sit down on a couch opposite of them.

"I'm Josh just so you know." The boy says.

"Nice to meet you Josh. I'm Ziggy."

"Okay Ziggy", starts Deena. Her face focused. " I know your not gonna like what you're gonna hear, but all I'm asking is you keep your questions til after I'm done. Okay?"

"Questions? What-?"

" Save the questions. Let's us explain what we know.", Deena cuts me off. I wanted to know more, but I simply nod, telling her to continue.

So Deena blurted out quickly,"Nick is working with the devil. He gives a name, devil corrupts them, they kill shadysiders, the devil feasts on the blood of the murdered, and Goode gets what he wants. Such as he becomes sheriff, his brother becomes mayor, and from our fall madly in love with him and you forget all the stuff that makes his past look sketchy. Ask away."

My heart was in my stomach. What is this is true? What would happen to Jane? I stare at my stomach. What would happen to the new edition? What would I do?

I look at them. "So you're telling working with the devil.....and he's been lying, and doing....other me.....since 1978?"

Deena nods. "Yes. And you have every right not to believe me. But we have something the might help get your memory back." She pulls out a small book and Immediately recognize it.

"I stole this from nurse lane's office the morning of July 19th 1978." I say as she hands it to me. "The night of the camp massacre."

"Yeah. Yeah that's right. Good. We're getting somewhere." Josh says calmly but happily.

"Open it and look through. Say anything that come to your mind." Deena tells me.

I open the book to reveal a picture of me and Cindy. We were in front of the Camp Nightwing sign. She was in her polo shirt. The one she saved up to buy. I remember so much. I fucking hated camp.

"Cindy was a counselor. I was a camper. Nick was there too.....a counselor I believe."

"Last year for me. First year for you."

"Yes. It was his first year." Deena nodded, basically telling me to continue. I flip the page to reveal the witches rhyme.

"Shelia.....Will.....Becky and Annie. They hung me from a tree by my hands. They repeated the rhyme. They called me the witch."

She'll take your blood
She'll take your head
She'll follow you until you're dead

"Do you remember who these people were. Last names? Maybe we can talk to them?", Deena grilled me.

"Will is Nick's brother. I see him at family gatherings and stuff. And know she has a daughter now....Frazser! Sheila Frazser. She lives in Sunnyvale now."

"Sam's mom." Deena whispers loud enough for me to hear.

"Anything else?", Josh asks. I flip through the pages. But nothing comes to mind. My curiosity pokes at me to keep looking so I do. I feel as though I am only centimeters from the truth. When I finally flip to the page. The witches mark. That's all I needed for my curse to break. All the memories flooded me like wild fire.

"What if I like spiders, and Stephen king, and the weird girl from shadyside"

"I know I let a lot of people die- no! Not you. I'm not letting you die."

"Tommy slater....just went crazy."

"You're not gonna tell anyone-"
"Says the one who can get your mom killed in under  an hour."

"You're very pretty"

"I remember!" I shout after coming back to my senses. They look up at me. Shocked.

"I remember. And I know Nick is weak. He'll be easy."

"Who'll be easy?"


Word count- 777 (deadass)
This was by far my favorite chapter to write. It had so much. And we have our ziggy back. I'm in love. And I hope you guys like it to. You're probably listening to you're voice of reason that is saying "sHoUdn'T zIgGy'S mEmoRIeS hAvE cOmE baCk aFter tHe cuRSe wAs bRoKeN?" And to that I story my rules. Your voice of reason is wrong! Don't listen to it! Okay? My story! Cool? Cool😎


She knows - A Ziggy and Nick storyWhere stories live. Discover now