Hello Jane

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"Get her here"
"Cmon Christine"
"Keep going."
"Mrs. Johnson. She's De-"
"She's stable."

My eyes flutter open to the sound of the beep.  The beep telling me I'm alive. The beep that told me the same signal July 20th, 1978.

Cords were sticking out of my arms and a bandages around my waist. Fun.

I sit staring for a moment. Collecting the events in my head.

Me and Deena went in the cave.
We found Nick about to possess Deena
Deena tackled him.
He tackled her
I knifed him in the back
I tackled him
I hesitated
I got tackled.
And... I don't know.

That's all I remember before got cut. Just the vivid memory of the silver dagger glaring at me.  I feel into my memory, until a small yell interrupts my thoughts.

"Mommy! You're okay!" , Jane runs over to my bed and tackles me.

"Be careful Jane! Mommy is still getting better." She stops the hug and sits on my bed. Her smile is wide. I look the smiling faces of Deena and Josh on the k other side of the room.

" You forget about the people you saved you God damn life?" Deena announces. I give a look and we share a laugh.

"What happened mommy?" I turn my attention to Jane.  She look concerned for me. Smiled trying to calm her down.

"I-um- I..." Shit. I'm not gonna tell her father tried to kill me. ,"I- cut my self on a kitchen knife.  Yeah! The knife fell and cut me open in the stomach." She's 6 she'll believe it.

"Oh okay. Where daddy?"  I look at Deena and Josh. Guilt written on their faces. Instead of words, Deena simply shakes her head.  I turn back to Jane.

"He's at work. He'll be home soon." She nods happily. How will I break the news to her when she is older?  I brush that off  for later.

"Okay, Jane! How about you and Josh go into the hallway for a little while I have some big girl talk with Deena?" I say looking my little girl.

"But I'm a big girl!", Jane crosses her arms and pouts.

"I know you are! But this is for the older ones." I say to her.

" She can stay." Deena shrugs and walks over.  Janes face lights and I'm shocked.

"What?!" I say.  You're not gonna let a little girl sit in here and listen to Deena drop the atomic bomb of the day.

" Yeah. We're just gonna talk about kissing!" Deena says Dramatically, making kissing sounds. Jane makes a gross face and I laugh.

"Okay fine. You guys are gross. She hops down from the bed and grabs Josh's hand. I could tell they were buddies from that night. They left room.

"So?" I ask Deena.  Deena doesn't respond. She just makes a gun with her hand, points it at her head, and fake fires.

I couldn't come up with words for that either. I just nod. She gives me a hug before turning on her toes, and walking out.

"Wait!", I yell to her! She turns to look at me. I assumed she would know. Probably the nurse told her.

"The baby?", I ask her. Deena smiles a notable smile. I know the answer before she says.

"Yeah. She's good.", and with that, Deena leaves the room as I slump down against my pillow. Smiling.

I don't feel sad. Or angry. Or Scared. I feel...good. It's all over. And Jane and I can live normally. Like it was but less odd.

So I let the beeping of my stabilizer or whatever calm my nerves. And my eyes close for a dreamless sleep.

Hi. I hate to disclose this information...but their is one more chapter. The epilogue. I would like to thank you for all the support.  It means so much. I have story ideas drafted and ready to go. I am going to post an info thing before I post the last chapter. I love you all. See you then.🥰🥰

She knows - A Ziggy and Nick storyWhere stories live. Discover now