The phone call (Part 2)

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The kitchen is swarming with the smell of pancakes and bacon. Jane is sitting at the kitchen table. Her mouth watering. I put some pancakes on a plate and pour syrup on them.

I put the on the table with a glass of orange juice. She gulps it down. I giggle at her little orange mustache.

I turn off the stove and put some back on a plate along with the rest of the pancakes and put them on the table. I grab a piece of bacon and bite into it.

I was thinking about last night, when I remembered the phone call. I grab the kitchen phone and find the message. I put the phone and let the message play in my ear.

"Hello- my name is.... Deena Johnson! Um... we need to know how you survived!- HEY LOOK.....WERE BEING ATTACKED! THERE ARE KILLERS HERE!....FUCK! NO-" and the message stopped.

Survived? I didn't survive anything. The call must have been for Nick. Maybe he survived something. I push my thoughts away.

The day goes by fast. Nick comes home around 12:00pm. He talks for little but then says he has to work in the office for a little. I thought of telling him, but he seemed busy. "Later", I told myself.

Dinner came around and I cooked up some pasta and chicken, which just so happens to be Jane's favorite. No better time to ask.

"Hey, Nick?" I say a little shaky.

"Yes darling?", he says looking at me.

"Did Jane finished her first chapter book?"

He turned to Jane. A smile brightened his and Janes face.

"You did?", He says happily. Jane nods. Her cheeks red and smile a mile wide. "That's Wonderful Darling!" She laughs. "I guess there's only one way to cream!"

She pumps her fists in the air. We laugh. I was so happy, but then so confused has the words ran through my head. The message stuck into my brain.

"You guys go. I'm going to call it an early night tonight." I say getting up from the table and grabbing my plate.

"But mommy! You always go with us!" Jane pouted.

"Not tonight, Jane. Go spend sometime with your dad. You don't see him often." I say kissing her cheek.

"Ok mommy! Ready to go?", she asked, looking to Nick and grabbing his arm.

"I'm still eating dinner sweetie.", he said humbly, looking at his daughter, "Let me finish. Wash up so I can finish, ok?"

"Okay dad!", and without another word, she gets up from the table and slips happily out of the room.

Nick gets a minutes or so later. He puts his plate in the sink and kisses my cheek.

"Sure you don't wanna go?"

"No, I'm good! Spend sometime with Jane. She'll love it!"

He nods, gives me a kiss and goes off to find Jane. My curiosity sparks with excitement has the moment they leave, is the moment I call Deena Johnson.

Jane gives me a big hug then takes Nick's arm. He kisses me on the cheek and they walk out the door. I wave to them as they roll out the driveway.

The moment I can no longer see the car, I ran to the study and got the phone book. I ripped through the pages trying to find Deena Johnson.

I couldn't find her, but I found Stephan Johnson. It had to be her dad.

I pick up the phone and dial the number.

Bring! Bring!......Bring! Bring!.....Bring! Br-

"Hello?", said a female voice. This was Deena.

"Hi! This is Ziggy Berman - Goode! You called me earlier, you said you were getting attacked by killers. Are you ok?"

"Oh yeah, besides Kate and Simon dying, I would say we're ok."

"No wonder Nick was gone so long..."

"Yeah, well- it's over so-"

"What's over?"

"The curse. we stopped it."

"What curse?"


I drop the phone. The image pops in my head. Cindy in her polo blouse. Covered in axe wounds and blood. Dead.

July 19th 1978....her death date.

I'm shaking with fear. Cindy didn't move to a different state. She's dead.

I drop to my knees. "She's dead" I repeat to myself "She's dead..."

Word count -730

Yeah..........there is going to be more and more exploit on this but this is the flavor. Remember.....this plot line is nuts. upcoming chapters......we might be switching POVS.........get there prespective.......


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