Chapter 2 || Meetings and Gods

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(No pov)

After they decided what they would do Lucid went out to get Dream,

Lucid went out the front door and looked around but there was no ghost to be seen, Lucid began to worry, who wouldn't? A previously insane person was now a ghost with no memories whatsoever, who wouldn't worry? What if he overheard the conversation? What if he wandered to the smp? No, it's too far. What if he recovered his memories and decided to finish what he originally planned to do?

Lucid was even more worried with those thoughts running around, he rushed back inside, "Guys, Dream isn't outside," he said worriedly,

Everyone shot up, Wilbur and Techno burst out the front door, both not wanting to watch him die or kill him again,

Techno ran to the side of his house and was greeted by his polar bear Steve and Dream, Dream was petting the polar bear while Steve slept peacefully,

Dream noticed Techno and waved at him, "Is this your polar bear? He's really soft!" Dream told him as Wilbur ran over,

"Oh you found him! I though he ran off," Wilbur sighed in relief,

"Why would I run off? Where would I go?" Dream asked,

"That's an excellent question, let's go back inside for now though," Wilbur said with a nervous and embarrassed laugh,

They walked back to the house to the others, "You guys found him?" Nightmare asked,

"Yeah, he was with Steve," Techno explained, "Steve is very soft!" Dream said happily,

Everyone was happy for Dream, they just wished he wasn't.. dead.. they wished he was alive, happy, and carefree, just like his ghost,

"Maybe he should meet XD?" Drista suggested,

Dream gasped, "XD? You mean as in the XD? A literal god?" Dream was surprised at his own answer, "How do I know that?" Dream mumbled,

"Uh, yes, XD is a god, but he's also you're brother.." Lucid explained,

"I'm RELATED to a GOD??" Dream yelled in surprise and shock,

"Yes, that's what I said," Lucid said slowly,

Dream was surprised, apparently his alive-self has a very interesting family, and friends,

"I want to meet him!" Dream exclaimed, "I'll message him, give me a minute," Drista said, she grabbed her communicator and typed out the message,

<Drista> Hey, XD? We found something weirdly cool at the SBI houses, can you come to Techno's house?

<DreamXD> Oh sure, I'll be there soon,

"He's on his way," Drista announced and Dream skipped out of the house excitedly,

"Let's go then," Phil said,

They all walked outside to find Dream and Steve in front of the house, Dream was happily petting Steve, and Steve was still sleeping peacefully,

A couple minutes later they heard wingbeats approaching and looked up to see XD flying towards them,

Once XD landed, he immediately saw Dream and went quiet and Dream shot up,

"Oh I know you! You were with those gods I saw while I was dead!" Dream exclaimed in surprise,

Everyone froze.

"You what?" Techno and Wilbur asked in unison,

"Yeah! I met him... a couple years ago?" Dream said it was slipping away from his memory so it was quite hard to say,

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