Chapter 8 || Patience

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(No pov)

"W-what?" Wilbur says in shock, "What's a revival book?" Dream asks again,

"Well, it's a um, book that revives the dead.." Wilbur slowly explains,

Dream gasped, "Is that how I can stay here!?" Dream exclaimed happily, "Where is it?" Dream added, Wilbur winced which confused Dream,

"What's wrong?" Dream asked, Wilbur sighed, "I.. have the Revival Book.." Wilbur said quietly,

"You what?" Dream exclaimed, "I have the Revival Book," Wilbur repeated while looking away,

"W-Why didn't you say so sooner!?" Dream said in shock and loudly,

"I guess I didn't want a.. bad reaction.." Wilbur said sadly, "A bad reaction? What would that be!?" Dream exclaimed worriedly,

"I guess.. you trying to hurt someone.." Wilbur said embarrassingly, Dream smiled sadly at Wilbur, "I-I understand, sorry for overreacting," Dream apologized,

"It's okay, let's go back to the houses shall we?" Wilbur said, Dream nodded and they walked out of the cave, Dream was looking down in embarrassment but he was smiling happily due to the fact he had found a solution to his I-have-to-go-back-to-limbo-apparently-but-I-want-to-stay-here problem,

Wilbur randomly stopped walking, Dream looked at him in confusion as Wilbur gestured to look in front of him, Dream slowly turned his head to see Ranboo, and five other people,

Dream yelped in surprise, "Ack! Who are they!?" Dream yelped, the four out of five new people looked surprised and shocked,

"Wilbur how is Dream here?" A creeper hybrid asked, Wilbur took a few deep breaths while Dream was mumbling confused words under his breath,

"Um.. he's a ghost.. I do not know how he got here but he remembers basically nothing," Wilbur explained, "You might want to introduce yourselves," Wilbur added,

"I'm Sapnap,"

Sapnap had shoulder-length black hair that was in a low ponytail and he had a white bandana, he had long black sleeve shirt with a white shirt a flame on it over it, he had black ripped jeans and black and white checkered vans, he had pointed ears and his bright orange eyes had a confused look in them,

"Hello Dream! I'm Karl,"

Karl had fluffy brown hair that covered his hazel brown eyes, he had a purple colour blocked hoodie with a teal swirl in the center, he had blue pants and purple high top sneakers, his eyes had a look of suspicion in them,

"I'm Quackity.."

Quackity had black hair and dark brown eyes- or eye, one of his eyes was white with a scar across it, he had a dark blue beanie that had 'LAFD' written in white on it, he had a white dress shirt with brown suspenders connected to his black pants, and he had black dress shoes,

"Tubbo," the only one there who wasn't surprised stated,

"And I'm Awesamdude, or Sam,"

Sam had forest green hair, green horns and a creeper mask that covered his eyes, and he had green freckles, he had a dark green hoodie with a gold chest plate, green cargo pants and black boots, and he had a shiny golden crown,

"Okay.. nice to meet you all? Again?" Dream said hesitantly, his head started to hurt again but he didn't notice,

"Uh, yes, we've met before," Sapnap said, Dream nodded, "Thought so," he replied, Wilbur sighed, "Why are you guys here?" Wilbur said sharply,

"They saw me go to Snowchester," Ranboo explained, "Sorry.." he added quietly, Dream gave him a pitying look,

"Still, why are you guys here?" Wilbur asked again, "Sam assumed that you guys were here once Ranboo explained what happened and we had a hunch Dream would come here eventually," Karl explained,

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