Chapter 10 || I Made a Promise, Didn't I?

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(No pov)

"Finally." An annoyed voice in the darkness said, "And you're sure you saw him?" The voice asked again,

"Y-yes.." another voice said, the first voice laughed insanely, "Finally, I can get what I've wanted all. My. Life." The first voice laughed,

"M-maybe you should reconsider what you plan on d-doing.. H-he's protected by the Angel of D-death, the god of this world a-and the blood god.. m-maybe it isn't worth it.." the second voice stuttered nervously,

"No. We've come so far, it's impossible to give up now." The first voice said harshly,

"And, are you in charge here?" The first voice asked,

"N-no! Sorry.." the second voice apologized,

"That's what I thought. Now. Back to work." The first voice stated,

The second figure started violently shaking as he ran off, it was his own fault he was here after all though.

-With the SBI and Dream's family-

Dream's eyes slowly blinked open, his eyes were unfocused but quickly regained their focus to see...


Just nothing.. no one was in the room, all he saw were the bookshelves, desk, wardrobe, and yellow walls,

Dream felt peaceful in the emptiness of the room, it was calming and relaxing, it was very different from the burning heat of the prison cell,

Dream closed his eyes and smiled contently and snuggled farther into the blankets, he didn't care how long he had been here, he just wanted to relax, he hadn't been able too in the past few months after all,

Dream laid in bed for a few more minutes before deciding to get up, he slowly sat up, for some reason there was pain in his arm though,

Dream rolled up his sleeve and looked at his arm and sighed, the revival scar was blue now, Dream sighed before rolling his sleeve down and standing up,

Dream felt something flick behind him and turned to see his wings, he then realized that he probably hadn't stretched them in months,

Dream slowly stretched his wings out and the slowly got easier to move, Dream sadly couldn't get his mind off of the scar though, he'd have to read The Book again to remember what it meant, Dream sighed as grabbed his mask and put it on,

Dream slowly opened the door, he tried to be as quiet as possible but the door made a small creak, no one came to investigate the noise but Dream cringed at the creak anyway, but still silently made his way to the living room,

Dream peaked his head into the living room nervously but saw that no one was there, just one silent house, Dream silently walked into the living room and looked through the bookshelves,

He sighed when he found nothing and turned around, but then he saw it,

On the coffee table was the Revival Book, Dream sighed in relief before hesitantly grabbing it, Dream sat on the couch and flipped a few pages into the book,

Dream eventually found the chapter that talked after effects of reviving ghosts, Dream looked around and began to read,

'The simple ways of reviving others, every way change depending on what you revive and how you revive it,"

'In this chapter we will be talking about reviving ghosts,'

'Reviving ghosts is the easiest way to revive, but there are ways to mess up,

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