Chapter 13 || Blue Scarred and Cursed Warriors

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(No pov)

After they had started walking Karl noticed the families clearing he had stumbled into a few days before, "I think we're close," Karl mumbled into Sapnap's shoulder, he still hadn't let go of Sapnap ever since he had read the letter,

"How do you know?" Sapnap whispered back in confusion, "I can't remember, it just seems familiar," Karl said, "Sorry," he added sadly,

"Don't apologize, it's not your fault," Sapnap told him, Karl mumbled something before walking beside Sapnap and leaning his head onto his shoulder,

Eventually they been walking for a day,

"It's been a day, are we even close yet?" Techno complained, "No Techno, but if it makes you feel any better we only have a couple hundred blocks to go." Wilbur said with an eye roll,

"Can't I just pearl there?" Techno complained again, "No Techno, we've been through this before, they would hear the pearl landing and give us away," Phil said while rubbing his temples,

"UgHhHhH, FiNnEeeE," Techno groaned before mumbling about how dumb it was that he couldn't pearl,

Half an hour later they heard small echoes of sword clashes in the tall snowy mountains ahead, Karl's head shot up once he heard it and ran towards the clashes,

"Karl! Wait!" Sapnap called as he ran after him, Wilbur and Techno looked at each other and then Phil, Phil shrugged and they all ran after them,

The eventually saw Karl and Sapnap behind a tree the was on the edge of the forest, they both wore horrified expressions as they turned towards the trio,

Sapnap signalled for them to be quiet before pointing to the clearing behind the tree, Techno sneakily walked to the tree next to him before looking to the clearing, Wilbur and Phil quickly followed him and gasped at what they saw,

There was a ominous hidden obsidian cave opening that led into an abandoned mineshaft, but there was a courtyard/training ground in front of the opening, and in the courtyard were two people in cloaks dueling, one had a ripped bloody dark emerald cloak while the other had a deep blue and blood splattered one,

There bloodstained cloak's hoods were pulled over there heads so you couldn't see their faces and they both had wickedly sharp netherite axes that shouldn't be used for simple duelling and a sturdy shield,

Suddenly the emerald cloak's axe caught the dark blue cloak's arm, the dark blue cloak let a scream of pain as more of his blood stained the cloak, the emerald cloak didn't even flinch, instead he took his hand and helped him up before taking out a glass bottle,

The dark blue cloak took the glass bottle with a wince and drank the entire thing, almost immediately his wound closed and a new person walked out of the cave, they wore a black cloak even more bloodstained cloak, like the other two, his hood was also pulled over his head,

"They're here." Their voice said, the voice was... echoing, the emerald and dark blue cloak nodded before going into the dark cave, the black cloaked man looked into the forest before scoffing,

"You can come out now." They said happily, when no one came out they grew angry, "Please, you guys think you're so sneaky." They scoffed, Techno suddenly and confidently walked out of the woods followed by Karl, Sapnap, Wilbur, then Phil, "I knew it," the cloaked person said,

"Who are you." Techno asked emotionlessly, the cloaked figure laughed, "Wouldn't you like to know," the person laughed, it wasn't a warm laugh, it was a cold, insane one,

"Where's Quackity." Sapnap hissed, the mystery person laughed again, "In there. I can get him if you'd like." The person hissed, before Sapnap could respond Karl answered, "Yes! Please do!" Karl cried in desperation,

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