Chapter 14 || Final Conversations

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(Dream's pov)



Pick one,




Pick one,


Good choice.

Pick one,


Excellent choices Day.

Have a good Dream.

Who was that?

Do I know them?

I hear music..

A guitar?

I open my eyes..

It's Wilbur!

I'm on a soft bed and Wilbur's on a chair,

Wilbur looks up from his guitar and smiled happily, "Your finally awake!" He says, "What time is it?" I ask him, he looks at the wall beside him, "3:45," he answers,

He looks back at me with his wonderful smile, "How was you sleep?" He asks, "Great!" I say with a grin, he laughs and puts the guitar back in it case, and sits on the bed and opens his arms,

I crawl over to him and hug him and tuck my wings in as he wraps his wings and arms around me, I hum contently as he hums a peaceful song,

I could stay here forever, couldn't I?


I can't?


It'll become a reality soon?


I can wait then!


Wake up?




You have a good day too!


My eyes slowly flutter open, I see a fire flicking and crackling, there's a blanket wrapped around me, I smile contently and roll onto my back,

Northern lights!

I watch as the flicker green, blue, teal, and pink against the dark blue sky and shimmering stars, my heads hurts but I focus on the stars and northern lights,

The constellations look beautiful against the northern lights, I slowly sit up, my head erupts in pain but once again I ignore it, I see Karl and Sapnap cuddling Quackity against a fallen tree and they were all asleep,

Phil is sleeping in a talk tree and Techno is asleep against a farther tree, I look around, where's Wilbur?

I try to stand up but my legs scream in pain and I tumble over, I'm suddenly caught by someone, I look to see a worried looking Wilbur with his arms around my waist,

"I- oh- s-sorry," I stutter before slipping out of his arms and sitting down and throwing my arms over my head in embarrassment, he laughs and sits next to me,

"It's alright, why're you up anyway?" He asked me, I hesitantly take my arms off my head and shrug, "I don't know, I just woke up," I say with a yawn, he nods, I lean into him hesitantly, he subconsciously wraps his wing around me,

He hums a song as my eyes slowly flicker shut,

I feel relaxed, peaceful, and content as I snuggle into him, he laughs quietly and we both fall asleep,

-The next day-

My eyes flicker open, I hear laughter followed by protests and groans of annoyance,

"Hey Wilbur, you're sleeping beauty is waking up!" I hear someone snicker, my eyes fully open and I see Sapnap and Quackity laughing while Karl sleeps quietly,

"What's going on?" I ask tiredly with a yawn, "These idiots are bullying Wilbur," Karl mutters tiredly,

I burst into laughter as Sapnap and Quackity look appalled at the comment, "How DARE you!" Quackity says in mock offense,

"I cannot BELIEVE you! I got kidnapped and get called an IDIOT?! No! I'm breaking up with you! Hmph!" Quackity says as he turns away, crosses his arms and pouts,

"Noooo! Please? I'll give you cuddles!" Karl whined and threw his arms around Quackity, "F-fine!" Quackity stutters as he blushes brightly, "Yay!" Karl exclaims and doesn't let go of him,

Sapnap laughs at the two's antics, "What about me?" He asks, Karl giggles and flips Quackity over so he's in the middle, Sapnap cheered quietly while Quackity blushed even more,

(No pov)

Dream giggled and leaned more into Wilbur,

"How are those two not dating?" Sapnap asked, Karl and Quackity shrugged in response,

"Want to go on a walk Dream?" Wilbur asked, Dream nodded and Wilbur helped him up, and they walked off,

Dream had to lean on Wilbur but they both didn't care, "Where we going?" Dream asked, Wilbur shrugged, "I found a cliff with a nice up ahead," Dream nodded, "Alright, I'm getting pushed off a cliff?" He joked,

Wilbur laughed lightly before shaking his head, "Of course not!" He laughed, Dream giggled,

When they arrived at the cliff, Dream gasped, it was a clear day out and it showed all the way to Kinoko kingdom, he could see the towering trees and huge mushrooms, the lights of Las Nevadas, and the L'manberg crater,

"It's stunning!" Dream said excitement, Wilbur smiled at his excitement, Wilbur faced Dream and tilted his chin up, Dream blushed and Wilbur smiled,

"Can I?" Wilbur whispered, Dream nodded,

Wilbur then kissed Dream, and Dream kissed back.

~The End~

Have a good day you all!

I already have ideas for my next two books lol.

(819 words)

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