What... is this...

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(No pov)
-Two months later-

Phil had just told Dream and Wilbur a legend about a temple that travelled both time and between universes, he had also told them to go find it.

The two looked at each other with an unsure expression before agreeing, they were both very curious and wanted to see if this... legend was true.

They packed up the items that they needed to survive, and the revival book just in case.

They hadn't the slightest clue where to begin looking other then the 'A field with great scenery' bit.

So they decided to go visit Techno to get the human GPS's opinion on where to go.

Techno had told them that east of the smp, beyond Kinoko Kingdom, was a field that rolled on for days, but recently it had began growing flowering trees.

The two thanked him and travelled by Nether portal to Kinoko and quickly greeted the Fiancés before continuing on their journey.

It took a week of travelling east of Kinoko before they reached an oddly familiar field of small but colourful trees.

They looked at each other and grinned before exploring the field, but they were greeted by a large but abandoned temple.

It had arches that failed to touch the sky, an ocean blue roof, and familiar architecture, it was a stunning place.

They looked at the building in wonder before walking hand in hand into the building and began exploring.

The inside looked like a strange realm, whitish yellow walls with a purple ceiling and deel purple support pillars, there was a room that appeared to be used for worshiping Church Prime, but... Church Prime was made three years ago... and this place was abandoned, was the legend true then?

Wilbur and Dream adventured on into the strange building and eventually discovered a hallway that split into four, three looked untouched but one... one had items in it.

Dream and Wilbur ran down the hall to see a giant scroll that told the same legend that Phil told them, some words and letters were faded and smudged but it was still readable.

There were four item frames that held compasses that looked broken, one was a simple gold, another was silver with a faded but enchanting glow, another was deep blue with an also enchanting glow, and the last one was quartz with an enchanting blue shimmer.

In front if everything on the wall was a lectern with a closed book on it and the book cover had a sunset painted on it.

What surprised the two the most was the two portraits, they were covered in dust and rips and the paint was slightly faded, but it clearly showed two very familiar people.

The portraits showed Wilbur and Dream. And it was almost completely identical.

The two looked at each other in shock before looking back at the paintings, they took the book in hopes of answer but went to another hallway.

At the end of the hallway was a sign that read:

'Dream and Wilbur are to decorate this wall with prized possessions and add a book of their tales and a portrait of themselves.'

The duo looked at each other in shock, Dream brought up the idea of listening to sign and Wilbur agreed because, well, why not.

So the two crafted an item frame for the revival book, and Dream quickly summoned two portraits of themselves while Wilbur began writing their book.

It took a few hours but the finally finished their wall of memories and they had put a northern lights painted book on the lectern.

Dream and Wilbur looked at their creation and beamed, they decided to put the sunset book back to it's lectern and then they both left the temple, hand in hand.

(634 words)

Apologies if it's a bit boring but this was a bit rushed lol.

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