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(Author's pov)

It had been a year,

A year since Wilbur watched the love of his life one die,

A year since Techno killed his rival and best friend,

A year since The Final Battle that scarred so many people,

A year since Ranboo had ever opened his eyes,

Everyone knew that the dead who had lost all their lives could come back as ghosts, but they all gave up on ever seeing Dream again because normally it took a couple of days, Dream however never showed up, not once, not ever,

Every two months there was a festival to celebrate the two heroes and mourn the loss of Dream and Ranboo,

Ranboo wasn't exactly dead but not exactly alive either, he was in a coma like state, no one could wake him up, and he wouldn't wake up, no matter what anyone did he never opened his eyes or stirred,

They all decided to make a shrine like area in the place where Ranboo had entered the deep sleep, it now was a blooming garden of beautiful trees, ponds, and many different flowers but mainly alliums, in the center of the room was a carpet where Ranboo lay in his deep sleep, and beside him was his axe, they decided to call the garden Ranboo's garden,

Wilbur kept The Revive Book in an enderchest under ground, but occasionally he got it out and read it outside, he was seen sometimes crying over seeing his late loved one's messy writing... there was still blood but he ignored that,

Techno was sometimes seen in the training grounds that him and Dream duelled in when they were children, he was always holding a small broken wooden practice sword,

Dream's family had not been seen in ever since Dream had died, only a handful of people saw them, and they had not touched the doorknob of Dream's room since XD had closed it the night Dream died,

Dust was gathering everywhere in Dream's room, all the ink had dried, and his clothes hung in the wardrobe with cobwebs on them and the shelves started collecting dust,

But this month was special, like I said it had been one year since The Final Fight,

The festival was happening again like every two months since Dream had died,

People lit up bright green, soft pink, and butter yellow fireworks and lanterns, there were mini-games, tournaments, and contests, the festival took place every year in the Stalagmite Maze Clearing as people called it, The Battle of Ranboo and the Endermen had happened here,

Everyone was enjoying themselves, like every two months,

But as I said before, this month was different, no one noticed the slight shake in the earth as the server had finally brought back a ghost, his ghost,

Only two special people had noticed the shaking,

Foolish, who was talking with Puffy about their favourite memories of Dream, Puffy saw him like another son and Foolish saw him as a libra brother,

XD, who was in the kitchen of his unusually silent house making himself tea, he and his siblings didn't talk nearly as much on this day, they were too busy mourning the loss of Dream, but his siblings were currently visiting the SBI to get their mind off of him, they all had finally seen Dream again for a week before it all went to hell, or rather, limbo,

They both noticed the small shaking but decided to ignore it, figuring the festival might have been to loud or that it was a very small earthquake,

But no, like I had said before, the server finally revived a ghost, the so called villain's ghost,

Dream awoke on the ground, for the first time since he was ten he could feel something, feelings, they were more powerful unlike the dull ones he had normally felt, he was laying on his grave, and looking up at shimmering blue and green northern lights,

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