Chapter 5 || Fun Days And Not Enough Time

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(No pov)

Wilbur and Dream had been talking in the garden for awhile, Wilbur sat on a bench while Dream floated around the garden, occasionally Wilbur flew around with him but he mainly stayed on the bench,

"You want to play a game?" Dream asked curiously, "What game?" Wilbur responded,

"Tag," Dream told him, "But you would technically be cheating since I can't touch you," Wilbur pointed out,

"Yeah but, you can just wave your hand through me or something!" Dream explained, after a bit of rule changing and arguing Wilbur agreed and Dream ran- or floated off,

After a bit Wilbur decided to run in the way Dream had, Wilbur arrived at the edge of the snowfield where a very thick forest was, he somehow knew Dream was definitely in there,

Wilbur entered the forest to find Dream, out of the corner of his eye he saw it, the smiley face mask, it was slightly terrifying considering where they were but Wilbur didn't care,

Wilbur ran in that direction, the smiley face mask also started running, they both hopped-or pretended to hop- over fallen trees, and ducked beneath the occasional stray branch,

Wilbur eventually caught up and flew in front of Dream and waved his hand through him, Dream sighed in defeat, he also had a slight headache, why does he always get these?

"How'd you know where I was?" Dream asked, Wilbur shrugged, "Lucky guess, you also probably would go for a spooky dark thick forest," Wilbur laughed,

"Whatever.. it's my turn to be it now!" Dream cheered, Wilbur ran off, he decided fly towards the tall sharp mountains instead, after finding a particularly well-hidden cave he ducked inside it,

Wilbur got lucky and the cave was basically a maze, after memorizing and putting little markers around so he could find his back out,Wilbur finally found a good place to hide, it was a little crack in the wall and you couldn't really see it, and you had to look really closely if you wanted to see Wilbur,

Wilbur had stayed still there long enough to think Dream had given up on finding him and he could come out now , but just as he was about to come out he heard someone accidentally cough,

Little whooshes echoed the cave as the person, most likely Dream, searched for Wilbur,

Wilbur stayed perfectly still for awhile, the whooshes getting closer by the minute, suddenly Wilbur saw Dream float past him without even slightly noticing him,

Wilbur had an excellent idea but he had to wait until Dream walked by once again,

When Dream walked by again Wilbur snuck out of his hiding place and walked silently behind Dream,

"BOO!" Wilbur yelled as loud as possible when they reached the exit of the cave, "AHHH!!" Dream shrieked in terror, "What the hell Wilbur!? You scared the.. non-existent life out of me!!" Dream screamed at him,

Wilbur burst out laughing at his choice of words, soon enough Dream joined in in minute later, wheezing like a kettle here and there, they laughed and wheezed for fifteen minutes before dying down,

"That was hilarious! You should've seen your seen your reaction!" Wilbur said while still laughing,

About an hour of playing the strange version of tag later they decided to change what they were doing,

"Want to go scare Tommy and Drista out of a tree?" Wilbur asked, Dream grinned, "Yes!" He said excitedly, and they flew towards the forest where Drista and them had gone,

Once they arrived they heard the sounds of talking and laughing, Wilbur decided to land while Dream stayed beside him, floating in the air,

"I'll go for Drista, you go for Tommy," Dream whispered, Wilbur nodded and the separated,

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