Chapter 6 || How To Remember

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(No pov)

"How do I remember?" Dream asked frantically and worriedly, he didn't want to leave this amazing place, he enjoyed staying here, Wilbur was basically his best friend, and Dream had just found a place he wouldn't give away for the world,

"I don't know Dream, well I do, but I'm not supposed to tell you, but you've remembered a few things now, do you remember how?" XD said,

Dream thought for a minute, "I went to sleep?" Dream guessed nervously,

"Or you get headaches?" XD guessed for him, "Oh yeah! I'll try to remember now! Thank you!" Dream said happily and ran off,

XD sighed, this could go a few ways, he'd rather not say most of them.

-With Tubbo and Ranboo-

The two heard a series of knocks on the front door, they were currently watching Michael play and practice English, occasionally they would help him and play with him, but he mainly drew and practiced English,

"It's literally ten pm, who in their right mind would be at our door this late at night?" Tubbo complained tiredly, Ranboo shrugged, "Go answer it then, I'll stay here and watch Michael," Ranboo suggested,

Tubbo climbed down the ladder that led to the main room, Tubbo got off the latter and turned around to see a lot of people outside the door, yikes,

"Hey, uh, Ranboo?" Tubbo asked nervously, "Yeah Tubbo?" Ranboo replied, "There's a, uh, crowd of people outside the door.." Tubbo said anxiously,

"What do you mean, 'A crowd of people'" Ranboo asked, "I mean, there's a crowd of people!" Tubbo shouted worriedly,

"Why are you worried?" Ranboo asked, "Because they'll ask how you're awake, and I can't tell them about Dream! XD, a literal god, specifically told us not to tell anyone else!" Tubbo hissed angrily,

"Oh, ok yeah that does seem kind of bad," Ranboo said, "Just answer the door!" Ranboo added, Tubbo was still quite hesitant and worried and was very tempted to just go upstairs and sleep instead,

"I'm sure nothing bad will go wrong!" Ranboo added, Tubbo groaned in anger and annoyance before angrily walking to the door,

Tubbo put on a tired and annoyed expression before flinging the door open and surprising the people outside, "What!?" Tubbo asked angrily and tiredly,

"Hello Tubbo, we were just at Ranboo's Garden and came to inform you that Ranboo is not there anymore," One of the people said, Tubbo couldn't see any of them because it was too dark and he was too tired to recognize the voice,

"Can't you guys just come back tomorrow? I'd like to sleep.. wait, Ranboo isn't there now!?" Tubbo said tiredly then faking his surprise,

"Yes, he isn't there," another unfamiliar voice said,

"Well he's not around here, and I haven't been there today anyway, so I don't know," Tubbo said, "Can I go back to sleep now?" Tubbo asked,

"Sure but we'll be here again tomorrow," the first voice stated,

Tubbo slammed the door and walked away, "I'm going to sleep! They're coming back tomorrow so be prepared!" He shouted, "Alright goodnight!" Ranboo said back,

Tubbo went to his bedroom, got changed into his more comfortable clothes and slept,

-Back to Dream-

(Dream's pov)

I paced the living room, I was back at Wilbur's house and I was trying to figure out how to stay here, I really liked it here, maybe Wilbur knew.. I could ask? No he's asleep right now and it'd be rude to wake him,

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