Chapter 12 || Peace And Quiet Apparently Does Not Exist In The DreamSMP

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(No pov)

!!Mentions of blood, torture, and crying!!

Dream was awoken been a loud gust of wind, Dream saw a figure in a black cloak writing something on a piece of paper and then leaving it on a bookshelf, Dream slowly and quietly sat up and stretched,

'Why can't anyone get any good sleep on this cursed smp? It's been three days since I've been revived and everything good turns bad,' Dream thought,

"H-hello?" Dream asked, the figure turned to wards Dream and sighed, "I am so so terribly sorry you got roped into this Dream," they said, Dream was about to say something before the mysterious person walked towards him and knocked him out,

-Present with Techno and Wilbur-

"H-he's gone!" Wilbur exclaimed, "Ye-" Techno started before seeing the piece of paper on the bookshelf, "Was this here before?" Techno asked, Wilbur sighed in annoyance, "What is it?" He said,

Techno hesitantly picked the piece of paper up, "It's a note," Techno said in wonder, Wilbur looked surprised, "Well? What does it say?" He asked hurriedly, Techno cleared his throat and began reading the note,

'To the SBI family or whoever finds this,

Hello, I regret to inform that I have been forced to kidnap Dream, well, I was controlled too as well,

I, like Dream, have the Blue Scar curse, I cannot write The Controller's name but I need you to hurry up and rescue Dream and I before he forces us to kill everyone on this smp,

You might be wondering, how do you have the Blue Scar curse if there's only ONE Revive Book? Well to that I say, that's a huge lie, there are actually two copies of the Revive Book, one is with Dream, the other is with my Controller,

My Controller forced me to use the Revive Book numerous times and I got three of the curses, the Blue Scar curse, the Hybrid curse, and the Memory curse,

Please in the name of XD and every other god in this cursed world, please, hurry! He'll torture us both if one of us defies him! But considering I just wrote you a warning letter, he's most likely going to anyway,

(One of the tortures is another few rounds of death and revival which causes our memory to get fucked up, or at least I don't think the Final Battle happened ten years ago,)

I will give you coordinates but you have to bring Sapnap, Karl, and George, and once again,


(Some random coordinates)

Quackity :]."

Techno finished in surprise, "Quackity broke in and kidnapped Dream!?" Wilbur yelled angrily, "Well, in his defense he was forced too," Techno pointed out and tapped the paper,

"Speaking of which we should probably tell Phil, Tommy, and Drista about this," Techno added, Wilbur nodded and the two left the house,

Techno went to Phil's house while Wilbur went to the frozen garden where he saw Tommy and Drista bullying each other,

"Hey, children? Yeah, Techno and I would like to talk to everyone," Wilbur asked, Tommy's face twisted in anger, "I am NOT a CHILD Wilbur!" Tommy yelled in anger, Wilbur rolled his eyes and walked away as Tommy continued to yell his boring insults,

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