Chapter 9 || Revivals and Questions

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(No pov)

!!Blood, Mentions of death!!

Dream woke up, he felt warm and comfortable, he looked up to see Wilbur peacefully sleeping, Dream's cheeks burned red in embarrassment, had they slept like this the entire time?

Dream forced himself to look away and, he stood up and checked the time, '7:19' the clock read, Dream sat back down and leaned back onto Wilbur again,

A couple minutes later the silence was broken by a quiet yawn, Dream looked up to see Wilbur with his eyes barely open,

"Good evening," Wilbur said tiredly, "Evening," Dream said quietly, "What time is it?" Wilbur yawned, Dream looked at the clock, "7:24," Dream answered, Wilbur hummed before wrapping his wing around Dream again,

"What do you want to do now?" Dream asked, Wilbur shrugged, "I don't know," Wilbur mumbled as he buried his face in Dream's hair,

Dream hummed as he leaned more into Wilbur,

-Time skip to 8:45-

Wilbur, Dream, Tommy, Techno, XD, Lucid, Nightmare, and Drista all stood in the frozen garden, "You want to do what?" Techno said in surprise, "We're reviving Dream," Wilbur told him,

"Didn't we all not want to do this when he first showed up?" Tommy asked, "Yes but he knows about the Revival Book now and he can't attack us," Wilbur explained,

"How do you know he's not going to attack us?" Techno asked, "You, Phil, and XD are here, you guys can easily stop him, and according to the Revival Book when you revive other ghosts they use their energy to help, but, the person getting revived would immediately fall asleep," Wilbur pointed out,

"But when Dream first revived himself he didn't fall asleep," Tommy mused, "I said other ghosts, it doesn't affect you if you're reviving yourself," Wilbur explained,

Techno was still against the idea but agreed anyway, "Let's do this then," Lucid said,

Wilbur nodded and brought his sword and the Revival Book out, "Oh, he's going to respawn at his grave by the way," Wilbur told them, everyone nodded and Wilbur took a deep breath,

"You ready Dream?" Wilbur asked, Dream nodded in determination, "Let's hurry too," Dream told him, Wilbur nodded,

Wilbur walked up to Dream, "You remember the promise, right?" Wilbur whispered to Dream, Dream hesitantly nodded, "Don't hurt anyone mentally or physically?" Dream guessed, Wilbur nodded and walked back to the others,

Wilbur opened the Revival Book and began,

Wilbur mumbled the words so the others couldn't hear, and walked up to Dream, Dream hesitantly put his arm out, "It won't hurt," Wilbur reassured him, Dream gave a small nod,

Wilbur rolled his sleeve to reveal the pale scar that appeared from past revivals, Wilbur traced the scar with the sword, Dream winced but didn't pull away, Wilbur then wiped the blue blood onto an empty page, Wilbur then traced his own revival scar and wiped the red blood onto the page,

The page glowed a soft golden colour as Dream started swaying tiredly, "Last part okay? It won't hurt," Wilbur whispered, Dream didn't respond, but he most likely didn't hear him,

Wilbur brought the sword up to Dream's chest before pushing it into his chest, Dream gasped in surprise before disappearing into gold, green, and blue dust,

There was a few minutes of silence before Wilbur broke it,"Let's go find Dream now," Wilbur said, "I'll wait here," Nightmare and Lucid said in unison, they looked at each other before silently laughing,

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