Chapter 5 - Who?

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       I drive back to my house. I see Jungkook's car parked in front of my house. 

I turn my head to the door. 

I see him standing there, he's already looking at me. 

I go to park the car in the garage. 

Before I get out, I pull down the interior mirror and look closely at my eyes.

My eyes are quite swollen in red. I press the skin under my eye area with my fingers lightly. 

I see him walking towards my car. 

I push close the interior mirror, take my handbag and I get out of the car.

"Hi" I fake a smile at him. 

"Hi" says him and his eyes are on the bumper of my car.

I just remember about it. Fuck, I'm so lazy to explain.

I mean to lie.

"What happens?" asks him.

"Oh.. I-I hit a... A pole" lies me.

"A pole?"

"Yeah. Don't worry, I'm fine" says me with a smile.

He doesn't smile back. It makes my smile awkward.

He gazes at me from my toes to my head, then he looks back to my eyes. "Where did you go?" asks him. 

He has a tracker with him. Why does he pretend not to know? 

I can't tell him that I went to a jewelry shop because it's just obvious what it's going to be about. 

But he has the tracker, I can't lie to him. 

But the jewelry shop I went to was in the mall. There's no way the tracker is so specific that it could actually locate where I was in the mall.

"Mall. I went to the mall" says me but who's going to the mall after the death of the parent?

"I went for some coffee. I-I tried to relieve my stress, distracting myself, you know. B-but it's not really working" I say and look into his eyes. 

"You shouldn't have coffees with an empty stomach" says him and then shows the plastics of takeover food in his hand. "I bought you some food".

        I sip for the hot soup with the spoon. I feel its warmth is flowing in my system. It's so refreshing. 

I glance up at him. He is watching me. 

I have a lot of questions about this man. This man looks like a warm, nice person but.. Aish I don't know. Maybe he just loves me too much? 

But still it doesn't answer my question. I wonder if I should just ask him straight. 

"Oh? Y/n. You don't wear it"

I see his eyes looking at my neck. 

I straighten my sitting posture and I run my fingers around my neck. My eyes widen when I realise he is talking about the diamond necklace. 

I am about to curse at myself. I was so stupid to leave it in my handbag instead of wearing it. 

But I can't really blame myself. I was too shocked at that time. 

I grab my handbag on the table and take it on my lap. I fumble for the diamond necklace.

I find it and show it right in front of his face. "Here!"

I see him looking at that diamond necklace and his eyes shifted back at me. 

I just realised, I need a reason for taking this off and why is it in my handbag.

Who? (Jungkook FF)Where stories live. Discover now