Chapter 63

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         I stare out of the window. The view is so plain, just like how clueless I am now.

But I'm very certain for one reason. It's because of the assassination plan, so he is probably angry, and this is not good.

I wonder what happens to Taehyung too. If this jet is leaving, does it mean Jungkook has settled with Taehyung?

My eyes widen at this thought. I'm so worried.

I hear the sound of the curtain flipping from my side, so I quickly turn my head there.

"Good evening, Lady."

It's the stewardess.

She bows her head slightly to me, and she pulls down the aeroplane tray.

Then, she places the meal from the trolley on the tray.

"Enjoy your meal, Lady," she says with a smile.

I remember something, so I quickly grab her wrist, stopping her from going away.

"What's the problem?" she asks.

"Where's this jet heading to?" With a solemn expression, I inquire.

I see her facial expression change, and she looks like she refuses to answer me.

"Uh, well, that's..." She stutters and tries to pull her wrist off my grip, but I keep holding her still.

"Tell me. Please," I plead.


I look at her with doe eyes to try to convince her.

She moves her head a lot as she's trying to avoid looking at me and answering me.

She stops moving her head when her eyes meet Jungkook's sharp stare.

Jungkook notices that I'm holding the stewardess' hand and believes I'm the reason for her pressure expression.

He gets up and walks towards us.

As soon as I see him, my grip on her hand weakens, and she quickly pulls her hand off me.

I look at Jungkook, he is staring into my eyes, so intimidating.

I lower my eyes and turn to lie with my back facing him.

I fucking hate this man so much.

"What's the problem?" Jungkook inquires of the stewardess.

"Uh, lady," the stewardess stutters.

I gulp down my saliva.

"Lady was asking where the jet was going," she explains.

I press my lips together.

She receives no response from him; she quickly bows her head and turns to leave.

I hear the heels clacking, then fade away, meaning the stewardess is leaving.

I bite my lower lip. I don't want to face Jungkook at all. I hope he will be leaving too. But it's so unlikely because I feel my back getting so cold from his stare.

"Move," says Jungkook.

I don't respond. I'm not sure what he means.

"Move," he says again, and this time he pokes my back with his forefinger.

I turn my head toward him and frown at him.

"Move," he says again.

I don't respond. Then he comes down at me, and I quickly move my body aside, away from him.

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