Chapter 27

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         I stop the car in front of the pharmacy. Pharmacy is the first location that springs immediately to mind when I think about places.

It's because I had sex last night and I worried if I'm pregnant.

I peer into the pharmacy through the shop's clear window. I see the customer paying for the prescription at the cashier's counter.

Then, I look at the pharmacist. She curls a very friendly smile while bidding the customer a goodbye.

She looks nice, and I have a feeling I'll be able to talk to her about myself.

But first.. I need money. I turn my head around to see if Jungkook had left any money in his car.

I open the dashboard and I found some notes. I instantly grasp it in my palm and begin counting.

"10 000, 15 000, 25 000, 30 000, 35 000, 36 000..." My voice slows in disappointment.

Just 36 000 won???

He is that fucking rich, yet he doesn't even have a single note of 50 000????? This money, as it is to the change he received after purchasing something. Is he really that cheap?

The fuck?

I don't mean to insult people take the change, I do it too but he's bloody rich. Ah shit, actually I'm just so irritated.

But 36 000 is enough to buy at least one thing from the pharmacy.

I get out the car. As soon as my feet hit the road, I just remembered that I don't wear any footwear.

It's embarrassing, but I'm not going to go back inside simply because I'm humiliated.

I go into the pharmacy and greeted by the pharmacist right away.

"Good evening, and welcome"

"Good evening, thank you" I say as I come to a halt at the counter.

"What are you looking for, miss?" asks the pharmacist.

Her voice is kind, and her smile is radiant. She's just as friendly as I expected.

I look at her name tag on her white coat. Hana. Then I return my gaze to her face.

"Um, well.. contraceptive pills" says me, stuttered a little bit. Even though she looked friendly, I still worried if she's being judgemental about this thing.

"Oh, okay" says her and she leaves the counter to the rack.

I follow her from her back.

"Mmm.. Is this your first time?"


"The pills. Have you ever taken them?"

"Oh.. No" answers me.

"So..  It is your first time. How old are you? I mean I need to know your age to prescribe you"

"23" says me. Then, she stops and looks closely at the bottles in front of her.

I just remembered to tell her about another thing too. "Excuse me.. Can contraceptive pills work to stop pregnancy for the intercourse that is already happened. Like.. One, two, three days ago?" I inquire.

She stops looking, straighten her posture and turns at me.

She looks at my feet. I think she just realized I do not wear the footwear.

I rub my feet together in an embarrassing manner.

The pharmacist feels so weird about y/n. She literally drove a Maserati but she doesn't wear any footwear?

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