Chapter 53

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          I'm sitting on the sofa, eyes in space, mind losing.

What Taehyung told me about my father was just too sudden.

When I give it some more thinking, it's possible that he just made up information.

But what he told me was true too. The marriage photo

Back then, I'd often ask my mom questions about it. But she was continuously evading my questions, and I could see she was uncomfortable, so I stopped pushing.

I thought it brought her sad memories.

Is Taehyung really telling the truth, then?

I remember him saying what he's doing now is something to do with Jungkook.

I know my life has something to do with Jungkook. There must be some explanation for why he's doing me this way. I just don't know why.

I sigh and shut my eyes.

Taehyung probably told me the truth. I could trust Taehyung in this matter. But a DNA profile, isn't it just too private?

What did he really want to do with my DNA profile? Does he really know my real father?

Or does he just want to do something else that is bad?

Shit, I don't know. But Jungkook has ruined my life. I should not care anymore.

I quickly shake off my thoughts and take my phone.

I clench my phone. I think this is a good decision. To gamble my life on Taehyung.

I take a deep breath and let it all out at once. Then, I make a call to Jungkook.

"Do you miss me?" he asks in a seducing tone as soon as he picks up the phone.

"No", I say right away.

"Mmm, I think you do," he says again. He sounds so effing flirty. I really don't know what's gotten into him.

"No" I say again.

A short silence runs between us and he says, "Okay, why do you call me?"

I frown. How can he forget about the deal we just had two days ago? He really never takes me seriously.

Inhaling deeply, I settle in. I need to take some deep breaths for my own good because I have to avoid getting into pointless arguments. "It's about you promising me that I could get out today," I say.

He is quiet, causing me to worry if he ever remembers.

"Oh, that. So, do you want to ask for my permission? "

Permission? It's not about permission, because I'm already permitted.

"No, I want to ask for a car key," I say. My annoyance with him had reached an all-time high, and I could no longer suppress it.

"Are you angry at me, babe?" he asks.

I can't help but scowl when he starts sounding like an innocent puppy. My God, does he seriously not realise how annoying he is?

But I shouldn't find a problem with him. "No, no. I just want to go out. "I need to have some fresh air outside," I say.

"You just had it with me yesterday. The fresh air," he said.

"Oh, I know. I appreciate it. "

He grins widely when y/n says that she appreciates it.

" But I really want to eat a donut. Dine in", I say.

"Oh, you have a pregnancy craving. Sure, go get it. Buy some for me as well," he says.

"O-oh... Sure," I reply. My words shake with incredulity. It's so fucking easy today that I am quite shocked.

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