Chapter 87

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I sit on the couch in Seol's room with Seol in my arms.

I am breastfeeding him.

I throw my head back into the comfortable padding.

It makes me feel so relieved to breastfeed my baby.

I don't know why, maybe there's a sort of scientific explanation behind this.

I close my eyes, but I'm not sleeping.

Because leaving my baby like this when he doesn't want milk anymore will choke him.

Suddenly, my phone rings.

I open my eyes and take my phone out of my pocket.

Like always, I'm excited to get a phone call because it's rare to get one!

I look at my phone, and it is from Minji.

Why does she call me so sudden?

Maybe God sent her to make a call to me because Jungkook said I don't have a friend.

I know God is proving him wrong in every way.

I hold my baby's butt and straighten my sitting posture, then I take her call. "Hello, Minji".

"Hello, y/n. How are you doing?" she asks.

"Doing good. And you?" I ask.

"Good too," she says.

"Great, what are you doing these days? I ask her.

Minji sighs. "Working hard. It's hard to be a newbie, you know. The senior workers are so annoying," she says.

My eyes flicker. Minji is working. I mean, that's great, and I'm not jealous. But this makes me recall how Jungkook said that the jobless parent wouldn't win custody!

I feel quite insecure.

You're working now? I ask.


"As what? Where?"

"Assistant accountant at Sefino," she says.

"Oh, that's great," I say and smile because I'm happy for her.

"What about you?" she asks.

My smile flattens, and I look at my baby in my arm.

"What are you doing now, y/n?"

Seol let go of my nipple, and milk drips out of his mouth.

"Hold on," I say to Minji, who reaches out the handkerchief and wipes off the milk around Seol's lips.

Seol's eyes round at me, and he starts to giggle.

Minji suddenly gasps, "Is that baby, y/n? You have a baby?".

My eyes widen, and I become panicked. "No!"


Seol giggles again because of my wide, round eyes.

I bit my lower lip. God, Jeonseol!

I am caught red-handed, and I can't lie.

Anyway, what's wrong with having a baby?

"Yes, I mean yes. I have a baby," I say.

Minji gasps again. "I'm so happy for you, y/n! That's so great. Y/n's junior!"

"Thank you," I say.

"I want to see your baby so much. Your baby must be pretty like you," she says.

I fake out a giggle. Inside, I'm so worried.

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