Chapter 103

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I am smiling all the time, enjoying the whole concert.

Honestly, this feels like the first time in a while I'm having so much fun.

Soon, the concert is over, and the singers leave the stage.

I shout to hype them and wave my hands like some of the crowd are doing.

"Do you enjoy the concert?" Jin suddenly says in my ear as the situation is still loud.

I nod. "Yes!"

"Do you want to grab the drinks with us?" Jin asks.

"Soju??" I ask.


I shake my head. "I can't! I'm driving!"

"Let's just call an Uber," Jin says.

I shake my head. "No. I need to go home with sober" I say.

"Sure. But you still can join us without drinking. We're actually going to the barbeque grill on the street down near here. Wanna join?"

That's so interesting!

I nod, "Yes!"

After having a late dinner with Jin and Haeun, I go back to the mansion.

I really had a good time with Jin and Haeun.

They are really nice people who I can make friends with.

I'm so glad that today I feel like I'm having friends again and we're having fun.

I stop the car in front of the mansion, then a guard takes over the car to properly park it in the garage.

I walk towards the front door and like usual, one housekeeper will be waiting for me there.

But this time, it's the head housekeeper herself.

"Welcome home, Lady" she greets me.

"Thank you," I say, almost inaudible because I'm so tired.

Then, she is about to take my handbag but I refuse it, "No need, thanks" I say.

"Alright, Lady".

I enter the house and frown when I see Sia with some of her minions.

What the fuck is she doing here?

Her presence makes me unpleased and somehow she really bothers me a lot!

"Hi, Lady", she greets me and walks towards me, then she stands in front of me.

"What are you doing here?" I ask with a sharp glare in my eyes.

"What do you think when I am here?" she asks.

This girl... I fucking hate her so much.

"I don't know. But every time I see you, my mood is ruined... I feel so annoyed and I... I hate you" I say.

She scoffs a laughter. "Lady, as you should. Because you'll see me every time you cause trouble" she says.

I frown.

"Master is ordering you to go to London now, let's go," she says, grabbing my wrist, then she pulls me to walk with her.

I refuse and stand still with my feet, I drag my hand to back with me. "NO!!" I yell.

She lets my wrist go and I take a few backward steps away from her.

looks at me like she's waiting for me to say something.

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