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A L I C I A 'S  P O V

"I'm sorry, Marcel. My hormones are everywhere, guess Mother nature is coming." I apologized awkwardly, while avoiding eye contact with Marcel.

Shoot. Why did I say that? Why do I always say weird things to him? If I keep this up, he might start to think how weird I am and end up not liking me. How do I recover from this embarrassment? What do I say now?

To my surprise, Marcel didn't look at me weirdly. I thought he would be weirded out or grossed out but he isn't. Maybe he didn't get what I meant?

"But seriously, you look really good in that outfit. Here." I said while handing him another set of outfits. "Try this one next." He took the bag and went back to the bathroom to change. I prepared 5 outfits in advance, for him to try to model for me. Honestly, I am doing this not because I want to help him with his style but I want to see him in the clothes that I picked. And boy, my crazy and wild imagination isn't wrong I can't help but drool all over.

Shoot. I sound like a weirdo and a perv. Why do I feel this way towards him? I keep imagining him messing me up. F*CK. Marcel, why can't you see that I am in love with you? Dammit!

I prepared 5 outfits for Marcel to try. And he is about to try out the last one when I decide to stop him.
"Wait Marcel, don't go any further. The last one you're going to wear will be my favourite one." He looked at me confused, and I explained further. "Because I saved the best for last and expensive. Just stay relaxed. Don't worry about anything else nor the price, but just try it on. You'll know it when you see it." He nodded understandingly, and proceeded to enter the bathroom.

I was laying comfortably on my bed when he came out of the bathroom to show me. And as soon as I saw him in the outfit that I chose, it made me sit up from my bed. I knew that he'll be perfect. It's so hot, but cute too. I could die. And he's wearing it.

"What do you think?" He asked and did a 360⁰ turn. I was speechless.
"Wow, you look great, Marcel." I complimented him. I am trying my best to keep calm. But my eyes betrayed me. I couldn't look away from him. No. I could not stop looking at him. He's so gorgeous in that outfit that I picked.

"Look, Alicia. I've never been so confident before in my life." He smiled brightly, showing his dimples. Look at those dimples.

Why can't I stop looking at him? I can't take my eyes off of him. I can't help thinking and asking, how did I make Marcel agree to all of this? I thought he would be mad at me and would hate me for trying to change him the way he dresses.

"Marcel, can I ask you something?"
"Sure, what is it?" he asked.
"Why did you agree with me by giving you a makeover? You've never done this before." I asked curiously.
"Because I trust you." He replied confidently.

My heart started beating faster and I was surprised to hear his words. Trust? Marcel trusts me? I feel so honored. And I also feel the same. I trust him with all my heart. I know that we are not dating yet, but this feels different somehow. I'm not sure what it means.

"Are you sure? About everything you said?" I asked. My heart feels so happy right now.
"Yes." He looked at me earnestly and I felt my heart beat faster. This can't be happening. I don't know if I should take advantage of him right now.

Does he feel the same? Is his heart also beating loudly as loud as mine does? Does that mean he likes me? Oh my gosh! Wait, wait! I am assuming things. Again. Maybe.

Yeah, I should take some time to check myself. This whole situation is making me nervous. I felt like a total pervert and maybe Marcel just wants to be friends with me. Maybe, he only sees me as a friend? But why do a part of me want to risk it all and just try?

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