His Gold Digger Girlfriend 2

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"Meg." I whispered.
"Allie? Megan? What the hell are you doing here?" Genna angrily yelled pushing the guy that she's making out with.
"We should ask you that." Megan snapped.

Third Person's Pov
Genna rolled her eyes dramatically after Megan snapped at her.
"What you two dork doing here?" She asked irritated.
While Allie and Megan fell silent and that got her nerves on, right now she doesn't care if she was bang to the rights.
"What are you doing here? Don't tell me you followed me here?" She asked with a pure fear but she hid it behind her dark mask.
"We didn't, this is all just a coincidence." Megan spit at her.
"There is no such thing, dork." She remarked rudely.
She can't believe that she got caught in the act but she have to act brave to scare the two of them or else her luxurious life will come to an end.
"Allie, Megan, I swear if you will tell anybody about this, especially Harry, I will not hesitate to kill you both." She threatened.
"Oh my gosh! I am so scared." Megan said sarcastically.
"Watch your mouth Meg, it might got you killed." The guy that Genna was banging earlier finally spoke with a firm voice.
"I can't believe you, Z." Allie said in disbelief.
"Harry trusted you but you choose to betray him." She added with a disgust look on her face.
"We were never even friends." Zayn fires back rudely.
"You traitor!" Her friend ejaculate.
"He's not a traitor, bitch." Genna smirks at them.
"Of course, he is! What do you call when SOMEONE is shagging his best friend's boyfriend?! Now you tell me! Uneducated slut!" Megan retorted while Allie keep quiet.
"Well, since you idiots already caught us in the act, might as well inform you about Zayn and I'd plan but first and foremost, He is my real boyfriend, as well as for Harry, he is just my kind of sugar daddy. While he shower me with his money and wealth, that Zayn and I can benefit without his consent, that could provide us with luxurious life until he rans out with money." She explained with a wicked smirk that is plastered on her face.
"And if ever, one of you will try to destroy our plan, which I'm pretty sure you'll be both doomed for life if you're going to come into the picture with your little evidences, then you know the price you're gonna pay." She laughed evilly before leaving the two of them gobsmacked with Zayn following behind her, of course.
"Watch out! We have eyes and ears everywhere." Zayn warned before he completely vanished.
"Oh my gosh! Allie! what was that? Are you going to tell Harry about this?" Her friend shiver in fear, since she didn't expect Genna and Zayn are very dangerous person.
"I don't know, it's just I don't know what to choose! I don't want you to die either nor to let Harry suffers from this but I know I have to choose for the better but right now, I can't think straight." She rambles while her voice tremble in fear.


Hey guys!👋👋
Thank you so much for the warm support that you give for this book and for the reads and votes, Thank you so so much! And I just wanted to leave you guys a Miss Universe question for you guys. If you were Allie, What are you going to do?😟Are you going to tell Harry? Risk your life and your friends life in able to help Harry? Please leave a comment below guys! 🙏🙏

And by the way AllieMcDonald7 here's the part 2 of your request hope you enjoy this one.
Harry's part is coming up.😉

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