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Three days later....
Leah's POV
"You know I still can't believe that you and Harry are back together. Everything is happening so fast. It seems like yesterday you were almost killing each other and now the two of you are dating already." My manager stated, I can see the disappointment in his eyes.
"How many times do I have to tell you that we aren't dating, we're just friends." I exclaimed.
"Friends? Well let me tell you that Friends don't kiss each other on the lips and act like a couple and lastly Friends don't have s*x!" He retorted.
"Whatever." I said, not wanting to listen to his further discussion.
"Ugh, why are you so stubborn? I'm just looking out for you, after all I am your manager. This is my responsibility to know what you're up to, to protect you from getting bash and from ruining your damn career." He lectured.
"I know, that's why I am not getting back with him yet! But I thought this is what you want from the start? For me to move on and forgive Harry? That's why you set us up." I snapped.
"Was, Leah, was. If that d*ck didn't propose to Kendall then none of this should have happened! And none of us know that he is going to do that but what concerns me is that you had s*x with him last night! Did you even used protection?" He reproached.
"I don't know." I whispered so he cannot hear me because if does he might flip.
"What did you just say?" He raised his eyebrow at me.
"Nothing." I murmured.
"So I'm gonna asked ask you once again, did you use protection?" He asked sternly.
I don't know what to say to him, and I can't lie to him because he can tell whether if I am telling the truth or if I am lying or hiding something from him, so I stayed silent.
"Leah." He warned.
"Okay fine, I don't know if we did or did not. I don't remember the full details, all I can remember is that he is already inside of me" I yelled exasperatedly.
"What? How can you not? What if he gets you pregnant? What do you think will happen to your career?" He bombarded me with questions.
"Jeff chill, okay? I am not pregnant yet or will be pregnant. So stop panicking, okay?" I rolled my eyes at him.
"Shut up, and my name is Mariah Jennah Walker- Hemmings not Jeff so stop calling me that." He jokes while he smacked my arm playfully.
"In your dreams, Jeff." I teased him.
"Whatever, but seriously, Are you sure that he will not knock you up?" He asked in a very serious tone.
"Yes, if ever he knocks me up then we'll raise the baby together, if he wants to but if he doesn't, then I'll raise the baby alone." I said in melancholy.
"Okay so I forget to tell you something." I nodded my head indicating for him to go on.
"Well, uh, the One Direction manager invited you to be the opening act for the boys OTRA European leg of tour, which will start next week. So what do you say?" He raised an eyebrow at me with a mischievous grin on his face.
"I don't - before I can finish my sentence he interjected.
"I think maybe you should join the boys, so you can spend some time with your hubby. And besides whether you'll yes or no, I will be the one who will make the final decision." He evilly laughed while I just rolled my eyes at him.
"I hate you so much." I said before I hit him on his arm.
"You can thank me later, babes." He said before he left the living room and went to the kitchen while I pulled my phone out of my pocket and logged into Twitter. Before I press the notification bar, and I noticed I have a lot of mentions and stuffs like that, I'm really not into twitter that much so don't have a lot of knowledge about this app and since I prefer Instagram. So I checked it out, and I was gobsmack to see all the tweets that I received from my fans and from the directioners. They tweeted me asking if harry and I are officially back together.

@Harryismyhero: @LPrestigeOfficial, Is this true that you and Harry are dating again? ILY

@Harrehsgravy: Omg! #Heah is back! This is a dream come true!!

@Leahtioner: #RIPHENDALL #HEAHARISE, Poor @Kendall_Jenner!

@Hazzahaz: @LPrestigeOfficial As much I ship you with @Harry_Styles but I think now is not the right time. #Heah

I was about to tweet something to clear this rumor but there is a one tweet that really caught my attention at this very moment.

@Heahshipper: Oh my god!! Leah just posted photo of her and Harry on IG, Does this means that they're back together? What do you think guys? (A/N: Photo on the side)

@Heahshipper: Oh my god!! Leah just posted photo of her and Harry on IG, Does this means that they're back together? What do you think guys? (A/N: Photo on the side)

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What the actual fudge is this? I sure myself didn't posed this.


Leah's POV
Gosh! I am so pissed right now! I can't believe my manager did that, out of all the people, I never thought he would hack my own account on instagram, I mean, he knows all the passwords of my accounts.

So I went straight to his office with an angry facial expression. I was so mad at him, I may explode any seconds now. I barge into his office without knocking since I don't think it's necessary at the moment. And I can't wait any longer to confront him about it.
"Jeff." I said furiously, trying to calm myself down.
"Leah." He muttered in horror.
"Why did you posted it? Are you insane? How did you even manage get that picture?" I retorted.
"I'm so sorry, Leah. It's just, the head of the label wanted me to create a drama between you and Harry. They thought that you're both dating so they asked me to post a Throwback of you and Harry on Instagram. I know what I did was so out of the line but I, was just pressured to do it. I am really sorry. I hope you can understand the situation that I am in." He explained while looking down at the ground, showing me that he is ashamed of himself for doing it.
"I understand." I trailed off as his face lit up but as soon as he realized I ain't no done talking yet his face fell.
"But what you did was forgivable, but I am not pleased or happy about it. You could have ask me to do it myself, because you know that there are really something going on between Harry and I. So next time ask for my permission. You know how much I hate that when people will try to touch my personal stuffs." I said to him, forcing out a smile.
"Thank God! I thought you are going to hate me for life." He sigh in relief.
"It's fine," I sighed.
My life is such a mess right now. How did I let myself get into this situation, again?!
So, Harry and I didn't won the awards that we were nominated on, because after his proposal to Kendall, many directioners were disappointed.

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