Your Wife or Your Mistress?

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Requested by: @jett_black_heart

Claire's Pov

It's been three years since Harry and I got married. Our marriage is the one of the best thing that ever happened into my life, our three years of marriage is full of love, passion, care and adoration. But lately my husband suddenly become so distant, I don't even know why.

We barely see each other unlike before he can't bare not to see me for a day but these past 2 months is the complete opposite.

It hurts not to see him even though we live in the same house but do you what hurts even more?

Seeing our daughter sad because she missed her daddy, that's the case. I can take all the pain of missing him but seeing our daughter cry every night because she is looking for her daddy hurts even more. Its not easy.

I understand that he is busy touring all around the world so he can just provide us a much better life but lately I have this instinct that he is hiding something from me.

An instinct that every wife is afraid of to happened. I really have this weird feeling, sometimes I don't get it on where does this came from but I know its not good.

"Darcy." I called my daughter.

Oh I forgot to introduce to you my daughter Darcy and she's 3 years old.

"Wes mowwy." She replied in her cute baby talk.

"Have you seen my lipstick?" I asked my little monkey.

She just smiled at me sheepishly.

"So where is it?" I tried to hold my giggle at her cuteness.

"I don't know, whewe I puw iw." She said looking down at her little feet.

"Darcy!" I playfully scold her.

"I'm sowwy,mowwy." She apologized pouting.

"Oh baby, it's okay but next time you ask mommy's permission, okay?" I cooed at my little girl.

And she nodded her little head lifting her head to look at me with a smile on her face.

"I lowe wou, mowwy." She said as I bent down to her level to embrace her.

"Mowwy, where is daddy?" She asked which made me frown a bit because that's the least question that I wanted to answer.

"He is at work, darling." I lied.

Honestly I don't know where the hell Harry is! I called him 50 times today but he didn't pick up to any of my calls.

"I miss dawwy, mowwy." She said sadly.

" I miss dawwy, too baby." I said comforting her.

"How about we go out and eat ice cream?"I asked to cheer her up.

As her eyes sparkled when she heard Ice cream.

"Really?" She asked happily.

"Yes, now go to your room and change your clothes." I said as she ran upstairs.

I heard the front door open and then close. He is here.

"Where were you?" I snapped, seeing his face made my blood boils in anger as he walk past me.

"None of your business." He fired back.

"Of course it's my fucking business, I am your wife for the ducks sake." I yelled.

"It doesn't matter and. You don't act like one. You act like you're my mother." He yelled back.

Then Darcy suddenly appeared behind him.

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