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Three Weeks Later......

"Y/N thank goodness, you're finally awake." Anne said as she walked towards me.
"What? what happened to me? Why am I here? Didn't already left this house.....I mean why am I here in the hospital what happened?" I asked confused while looking around my surrounding.
" Y/N, my dear you're sleeping for three weeks now and thanks god, you woke up earlier than expected, and oh well this happened after you passed out and the doctor said that you're in a coma." She explained with a very serious tone.
"What? I've been on a coma!? "I exclaimed.
"Y/N, are you hiding something from us? " she suddenly asked sternly.
"What do you mean?" I asked still in the middle of shock.
"Dear, Can you please stop playing dumb? and tell me what you are hiding from us!" She unintentionally shouted at me.
"What are you talking about? " I asked getting anxious by the situation.
"What's the real reason that made you leave my son?" She said calming down.
"What? " I bluntly said.
"Y/N, I know you didn't broke up with my son because of the 2 years paris thing! You're not that dumb to do that without an acceptable reason and I know there is something that much greater than the paris thing, it might be one of the reason but there is more. "She revealed.
Oh no! This couldn't be she can't find out about my illness, no, she can't, I cannot let her know! My mind is starting to freak out.
"What do you mean? "I asked trying my best not to crack.
"Y/N, please me the damn truth, why did you leave my son just like that? And I want the real reason. "She yelled at me trying to hold back her tears.
"Do you really want to know? "She nodded her head.
"But my answer won't change anything so its just useless but I will tell you anyway but please don't let Harry find out, these past 2 years I've been experiencing Chest discomfort, Fainting, Severe shortness of breath, and Severe dizziness.so I set a check up then later on I found out that I have a heart palpitation, my heart is getting weak, the doctor say that if I wouldn't the right treatment I might die so I asked him how many years I have left to live but he simply answered that 'he cannot predict when is my time' but he said I may live if I'll have a heart transplant but first I'll have to look for a heart donor but I refused to have one, I suppose spend my remaining time with Harry but I thought if he would know about my condition it would only break his heart more so I decided to leave him so if I ever would passed away it wouldn't hurt him that much because he is not aware of my condition. I just want him to be happy before I passed out when I left his room thats where I realized everything I shouldn't have left him, I wish I could turn back the time where he was sitting on my doorstep asking for a second chance that shouldn't happened that supposed to be our happiest day because...we suppose to be engaged but I ruined everything because I was afraid that I might leave him to soon and I am afraid I may not be able to give him a child because of my heart condition, so instead letting him know I left him even how much it hurts me, this is all my...fault ...I do....not deserve him but I love him so much"I said as I clutch my chest enduring the pain of my illness.
"Aahh. " I screamed clutching my chest, "I....can't....br....reath...." I stammered breathing heavily.
"Y/N, what's wrong? What's happening? "Anne asked starting to panic.
"Nurse, Doctor, please help Y/N, she isn't breathing normally and she's clutching her chest. "She shouted at the intercom sobbing.
After that the nurses and the doctors came rushing towards me while some of them asked Anne to leave.

Anne's Pov
I can't believe it Y/N, she almost died in front of me.
Our poor Y/N, she was once a very healthy woman but now she's very weak.
I should call Harry and tell him about Y/N illness, but Harry didn't even visited Y/N in the hospital even though he knows that she's in a coma, he didn't asked about her not even once maybe this is still not registering on his head, I understand him though if all of this shocked him but he needs to register this in his senses before everything is too late.
Luckily I was able to record what we talked about, I'm just going to send this to Harry for him to realized that he may lose Y/N totally.

I took my phone out of my purse then I search the recording before I sent it to Harry.

Harry's Pov
I don't know what should I feel towards Y/N, I mean I know I promised to her that no matter what I will always love her but I can't afford to see her laying on the hospital bed, I just can't, I am such a coward I can't even stand on my word, I don't deserve her, at all. All my thoughts were interrupted by my phone signaling I received a voice message. So I clicked the voice message to listen.

"Y/N, please me the damn truth, why did you leave my son just like that? And I want the real reason. "I heard my mothers voice yelled. "What the hell is going on here?! "My mind thought.
"Do you really want to know? "I heard Y/N's voice asked.
"But my answer won't change anything so its just useless but I will tell you anyway but please don't let Harry find out, these past 2 years I've been experiencing Chest discomfort, Fainting, Severe shortness of breath, and Severe dizziness so I set a check up then later on I found out that I have a heart palpitation, my heart is getting weak, the doctor say that if I wouldn't the right treatment I might die so I asked him how many years I have left to live but he simply answered that 'he cannot predict when is my time' but he said I may live if I'll have a heart transplant but first I'll have to look for a heart donor but I refused to have one, I suppose spend my remaining time with Harry but I thought if he would know about my condition it would only break his heart more so I decided to leave him so if I ever would passed away it wouldn't hurt him that much because he is not aware of my condition. I just want him to be happy before I passed out when I left his room thats where I realized everything I shouldn't have left him, I wish I could turn back the time where he was sitting on my doorstep asking for a second chance that shouldn't happened that supposed to be our happiest day because...we suppose to be engaged but I ruined everything because I was afraid that I might leave him to soon and I am afraid I may not be able to give him a child because of my heart condition, so instead letting him know I left him even how much it hurts me, this is all my...fault ...I do....not deserve him but I love him so much." As my tears starts flow out of my eyes.
I can't believe it she's going to die, no I cannot let that happen, she's not going to die, she can't die. I all did was to cry with regrets, this is all my fault, this is all my fault I'm going to lose her forever.
As rose up to my seat and grabbed my jacket and wallet before I left my room.
"Harry, where are you going?" Niall asked.
"Are you going to finally visit her? "Louis asked in disbelief.
"Yeah. "That's all I can say.
"Harry, do not know Y/N almost died infront of your mother but luckily the doctors came immediately, so they were able to save her. "Louis said glaring at me.
"Where's Liam?" I asked.
"Well, besides us, Liam is the one who is guarding Y/N, and he the only one that who stays in the hospital with your mother so does gemma since you don't have the nerve to visit Y/N. Harry for the fucks sake grow some balls for her. "Louis spat.
"What? So how is she? "I asked nervously.
"So now you're asking me how is she? "Louis snorted.
"What hospital is she? What's her room number? "I yelled at them.
"How dare you raise your voice at me?" Louis yelled back.
"As much as you don't deserve to know where she is,haz. But I'm letting you know where she is for Y/N's sake not for you,She's in Liverpool Rd, Chester CH2 1UL and her room number is R104 second floor." Niall said sympathetically.
"Thanks Ni, I owe you this and you too Lou." I said before I left.

Your Pov
"Doc, can I talk to Mrs. Anne Twist? Please! "I asked my doctor nicely.
"But Ms.Y/L/N, I, we cannot let anybody yet and besides your in a critical condition so I am sorry no. "He said politely.
"Please doc just please let me talk to her!" I pleaded.
"Ms.Y/N, I really can't. "He said.
"Please! " I pleaded.
"Okay, I'll let her in but for now you have to lay down and relax. "As I do as he says.

An hour later...
"Ms.Y/N wake up." I was woken up by some- I mean my doctor waking me up.
"Yes, Mr.Oliver." I said weakly as I flutter my eyes slowly.
"Mrs. Twist is here to see you." He smiled at me and I just nodded my head as he left the room.

"Anne." I said smiling at her weakly.
"Y/N, Are you okay?" She asked concerned.
"Yeah, I just want to tell you something, Anne. Before I leave, can you please give this to Harry." I said as I handed her the letter that I wrote for Harry, she nodded her head before taking the letter out of my grip and placed it inside her bag.
"Y/N don't say anything like that." She sobbed silently.
"Anne, please don't cry." I said as I patted her shoulder.
"Can you please tell Harry, how much I love him and tell him to take care of himself if I'm gone, tell him how much I regretted leaving him, tell him he has my heart no matter what happened, he always have my heart, he owns it. Please take care of him and.....our...." I stopped as my heart skipped a beat.
"Y/N what's happening? Please don't! Nurse doctor help." I heard Anne shouted at the intercom.

"I love you Harry Edward Styles." I breath out before I closed my eyes.

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