Mated to the Hybrid Alpha

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If it is Bold, it's Harry's thoughts
If Italics, it is your thoughts.

Your POV
I was walking around the forest, to look around and to find a way on how can I escape from this place. Suddenly I heard another footsteps coming from behind, that made me stop on my tracks and looked around, until my eyes landed, on a gorgeous green eyed man, if I did not know his true self, I would be fooled by his beautiful features. But since I know that he is not my kind, he could not fool me.

"What do you want, Harry? Why do you keep on following me?" I asked, his eyes looking at me intently.
"I want to know where you are going, you might get lost in the wilderness." He shrugged, and keep trailing behind me since I started to walk around.
"You don't have to do that. I am not your responsibility." I snapped.
I am getting annoyed by him. Ever since he kidnapped me, he has not stopped following me around nor he never leave me alone. Yes, I was kidnapped but he still gave me the freedom to walk around this thick forest that he and his pack lived. Knowing that it will be difficult for me to escape, hell I can never escape this place. No matter what I do, no one will be able to find me here, this place is damn secluded. So I don't think that I have a chance of getting out.
"Yes you are my responsibility. You are my mate, so I have to make sure that you are always safe." He stopped walking to look at me with his most sincere eyes but that look will never fool me again, I forbid myself to fall for it again.
If he really loves me, like he told me, he would not have captured me against my will, he would have set me free, away from this damned place.
"You are the only one who keeps on insisting that I am your mate, Harry. But I am not, I do not think so. I am not like you, Harry. I am a human while you are a hybrid, half wolf, half vampire. And I certainly do not think that a human and a hybrid has ever been mated before." I tried to talk some sense to him but it is not working, he is too stubborn to even listen.
"You are completely mistaken, my love. Because in our legend, there was a hybrid who was mated to a human but that happened centuries ago. But it was possible, so I don't see why we can't." He argued back at me.
"Why I have never heard of it?" I raised my eyebrows at him. Now he fully have my attention.
"Because that book belongs to the Alpha and you already know that my father was the former alpha, and since my father retired, it is my turn to take over, as the alpha it is part of my duties to know the legends of our origin, so my father gave the book to me. So I read and memorize everything in that book and came across the Human and Hybrid Mate story, that is where I found out that you were my mate." He explained.
I was dumbfounded after hearing everything. I must admit I did hear about that legend but I thought it was just a hoax but I guess not. You might be wondering why I know things about hybrids, werewolves and vampires. It is because our planet, Earth is filled with these creatures. Yes, these mythical creatures, they can live a normal life here on Earth but the thing is that even though they can live normally just like an ordinary people, they still prefer to live on secluded area. Because that is their nature.
"How sure are you that I am your mate? What makes you think that I am?" I asked him, and took a step closer to him in s challenging manner.
"From the moment I saw you from that store, I knew you were the one, love." He stared at me filled with desire and hope.
"Is that it?" I raised an eyebrow, not convinced by his words.
"No, I'm not sure if you remember that time but we already met long time ago, love." He smiled as if he won the lottery.
"When and where?" I asked confused.
"We were used to be neighbors when we were younger, love. Don't you remember? We used to hang out when we were kids. Before my father take over as the alpha, we used to live in a small city in England. But we only lived there for six and a half years before we moved back here in the Hidden Paradise Island. We even went to the same elementary school, I was in fifth grade while you were in 2nd grade, love. You were even there when my body was developing to become a small wolf. You always give me hugs when my whole body hurts. That was the good old times, my love. Good old times." He narrated as he looked up to the sky, as if he was praying for me to remember that memory, but I was not able to.
"You do not have to worry about your family, love. They know that I was the one who took you, so technically you cannot call it kidnapping nor say that I kidnapped you. I have your parents permission and approval." The smile on his face never left his face, he looked really happy for me to be here. But wait-what? My parents know that I am here with Harry? Why?
"What?" My eyes widened in shocked after hearing what he said.
"Yes and this place is not a forest, love. This is an island, an island filled with wolves, hybrids and vampires. So be careful walking alone, I haven't told my people about you yet, but I am sure as fast as a lighting the rumors will start spreading soon." He said calmly.
Is he insane? Why would he bring me in this place filled with monsters?
"I know that you are not happy with what I did but calling us monsters is very offensive, so you better watch out." He warned, I can tell from the tone of his voice he was offended and was not very pleased but how on earth did he know? Did I talk out loud again?
"No, you did not talk out loud, love. I can read your mind, it is one of the signs that you are my mate since I can read your mind and feel your real emotions so don't you ever lie to me." He said with a warning, I only nodded not being able to utter another word. I was too shocked to even say anything.
"Now come on and follow me, it is getting dark in here." He took a step forward towards me, took my hand and carried my in a bridal style as we head back to his place.

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