Like a statue but stronger 6

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"Harry, did you ever love me?" Caught me guard with her straight to the point question. I, myself was not hesitant to answer her but before I can say anything, she cuts me off.

"You know what forget it. Because whether you love or loved me or not. I just wanted to tell you that I always loved you, I never stop but seeing you unhappy for being with me these past few months. Made me made up my mind that left me no choice but to let you go in order for you to be happy with someone else, without living with full of guilt in your heart. So let's end this relationship and let's break up. Malaya ka na." She finally said it.

(Disclaimer: Malaya ka na means "You are free now".)

We're officially over.


Harry's POV

From that moment I realized how much I really love Y/N, just by looking at her with a tears in her eyes, those tears that I caused. Crying her eyes out. If I could just turn back the time, I would undo what I did but it's too late now and I can't change what I did. I broke the promise that I made and worst, I made her cry and broke her heart into tiny pieces. That I promised to take care of, but I failed. I made her hate me and made her cry.
God, why am I so stupid?
I know what I did doesn't deserve any explanations, I did is what I did, I cheated on her. I had an affair with another woman. I even brought the woman home and slept with her on our bed. I know I messed up a big time. I made my mom and sister blame themselves for my grievous sin. I have no right to make it up to her. Instead of helping Y/N love herself, I just made her hate herself more.
I want to win her back. I cannot let her get away, not now that what I felt towards her, are real and pure.
But what should I do? How can I win her back?

I just sat there staring offspace, thinking of ways on how can I make it up to her. I know what I did is still fresh in her mind. She saw us doing the deed. I just can't beg or ask for her forgiveness right away, I know what I did was too painful for her. I should give her sometime to think, but I can't... the thought of losing her for good, shatters me just like how I shattered her heart. And I cannot let her go, she might decide and go back to America. I just can't let her go.
I know I'm the one who is at fault here. But I can't let her leave London, with hole in her heart. I must do something.

I noticed that she was still sitting next to me, awkwardly. I also noticed that she really wants to stay away from me, but she didn't move an inch.


3 months later.....

Your POV

It's been 3 months since Harry and I broke up, I mean since I found out that he was cheating on me and broke up with him. And to be honest, I feel awful and numb. I don't know what I'd do. I'm currently staying with Gemma. I know not the best idea but there's nothing I can do about it. I have nowhere to go. And even though Harry and I are over that doesn't mean Gemma and I's friendship is also over. My relationship Harry has nothing to do with my relationship with Gemma. Nothing should change between us. But sadly, there were some changes. Gemma is getting overprotective over me. She doesn't even let Harry come close to me unless it's 10 meters away. She doesn't let Harry see me. She doesn't talk to him anymore nor does Anne. I felt like I was the reason Harry's relationship with his family changed. I felt awful about that. I know Harry deserves all of the cold treatment but that shouldn't have include his sister and mother. I was the reason their loving relationship as a family was stained. I feel sorry for him really. I guess seeing his family turn their backs on him, is the best revenge that the world has ever offered. But this is all of his fault, right?
I'm not even sure myself. But I feel like its also partially my fault because I want to avenge him. I want him to feel what he made me feel of what he put me through. But I feel really guilty. He destroyed me while I destroyed his good relationship with his family. Which is worst.

"Do you still love my brother?" Gemma asked, which caught me off guard.
"What?" I furrowed my eyebrows at her. Confused, why is she asking me this?
"Just please answer me this. Do you still love my brother?" she pleads with a sadness in her eyes.
"Gemma, please. Stop." I bit my lip and looked up to stop the tears from pouring down.
"I'm sorry, but I need to know if you still love him. Because ever since that day, I never saw you smile nor be the person you used to be." She said sympathetically, while I shrugged.
"You're both miserable ever since that day." She points out.
"What do you mean both? It's just me who is miserable, gems! He was the one who betrayed me. He cheated on me, remember?" I looked at her with tears in my eyes. I cannot hold back those damn treats anymore. Even though it's been 3 months ever since that happened, the pain still hurts the same as that day.
"Actually Y/N, I met up with my brother because I want to confront him about everything. So I went to his house and talked to him. We talked for like 2 hours, he looked like a mess, he looked like he hadn't been eating and sleeping properly, the break up also affected him, not in the way we expected. He actually admitted he stopped seeing that girl. I think you two should talk things out. Not to get back together but to have a closure. I can't bare to see you guys like this, please." She pleaded as she wiped the tears that is falling out of my eyes.
"Honestly Gems, I still love him even if he cheated on me, my love for him didn't change, it was stained. Stained with pain and trauma. Every time I tried to close my eyes, I always end up seeing what they did. So I'm sorry Gems. I am not ready to face him yet." I told her.
"It's okay, I understand if you don't want to. It's your decision afterall and I respect that. And I hope that someday you'll be able to forgive him, not now but someday." She smiled, and gave me a hug.
"Thank you." I smiled at her as I pull away from her embrace.
Eversince that happened, Gemma never left my side. She doesn't even allow Harry to come near me but that doesn't mean she stopped telling me to talk to him, because she doesn't want to see me acting this way. It's hurting her to see me this way. I think she feels responsible for what have happened, she regretted introducing me to her little brother. But let's be honest here none of us expected this to happen. And Anne is really upset with Harry's actions. And Harry is still trying to gain her trust back, by doing everything that will make her trust him again. I know it because Gemma told me. But it doesn't matter, Harry even contacted me nonstop even up until now but I never responded to his pleads.


Harry's POV
I miss her. Loosing her made me realize how much she means to me and how much I love her. I just realized how valuable of a woman she is. Loosing her made me realize her worth. I regret everything I have done to her. I was too blind to see the woman who loved me wholeheartedly, I only realized that when she told that she is letting me go. It was too late when I realized how much I love her and how much I need her to be in my life. How much I wanted to be her present and future but I messed up a big time. I was the one who broke her fragile and loving heart. I destroyed her and I deserve it. I deserve to feel like I am the worst human being on earth. I deserve the way my family is treating me. Cold, empty, disappointed and hurt. I can see it in their eyes much I have hurt them, too. I have no excuse for what I did. If only I can undo what I did I would. If I was given the chance to go back to the time where everything is going smoothly, I  would. I would change the way I treated her. I would shower her with love and affection every single day to make up for this day. How I wish I get to go back to that moment and changed my mistakes, so that she is still in my arms.

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