You Can't Bribe The Door On Your Way To The Sky

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Chapter One

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Frida looked at the recent painting. It was of her brother Five. He laid in some ally wearing bowling shoes. He looked exactly how he did when he disappeared.

This would have made Reginald happy she thought. Every time she painted Five it gave the old man hope he'd get to see him again.

But there wasn't a time stamp on when her paintings would come true or that they'd come in the same order she painted them in. So she looked at it wondering if her fathers wishes of having everyone together again after his death will come true.

Someone knocked on her bedroom door. Before opening the door she turned the painting over. Number one rule her father had was no one else was allowed to see her paintings.

Something about messing with the timeline...

He kept the future paintings till they came true then he'd sell them. Her original paintings she would do though...the ones she did for fun...he'd burn those.

She stopped painting for fun a long time ago.

Opening the door she was met with Pogo.

"They've all arrived it's only Vanya we are waiting for." Pogo said. Frida unknowingly gave a face. She disliked all her sibling for different reasons but Vanya had done something that had put her on Frida bad side for years. "Also Luther and Diego have been...snooping around."

"I'll deal with the idiots." Frida said.

Pogo nodded before walking away. Frida locked her door before walking towards her fathers bedroom. It was empty. Everything still was in the same place as that morning.

She stood at the side of her fathers bed. Picturing how she found him. Picturing night priors when they discussed what was about to happen. Remembering the one and only hug he gave her before departing this earth.

Luther stood by the doorway trying to figure out what to say to his sister. The last time he saw her she was begging him not to leave.

"Thanks for the notice sister." Luther finally mumbled.

"You made it didn't you." Frida retorted eyeing him as he entered.

He moved about the room as if looking for something but wasn't sure what exactly he was looking for. And Frida watched him carefully. She knew how her brothers were. Diego and Luther ready to play superhero and try to solve the mystery of their fathers death. There was no mystery.

"At least Pogo had the decency to let me know dad died." Luther scoffed.

"I didn't contact anyone Luther." Frida commented moving towards a window. "I've been busy dealing with paperwork."

"But I'm not just anyone Frida." Luther angrily stated. "I was the one who stuck around. Im the one who was stuck in the moon but still managed to send you letters. Im the one who was on the roof with you."

"Yeah I'll send you the medal of excellence later." Frida joked. She didn't like how much she agreed with the words he was saying. He was - and she would never tell him this or admit it to anyone - her closest friend.

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