A Thousand Words Are Left Unsaid

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"Why so many crows?" Frida asked herself.

She had just woken up and had made a painting last night it seem. It was a shadow of a lady with so many crows. She grabbed her cigarettes before sitting down on the floor.

The world was ending. It seemed like dad somehow knew.

"How the old man know so much yet so little." She whispered.

The door of her room open and Luther appeared.

"Frida family meetin- is that a new painting." Luther said coming into the room to look at it. "Crows? Is that what's gonna end the world?"

"I don't know but I hope I'm not the one that gets attacked by them." She shivered.

Luther looked around the room. Paint stains on the wall a small bookshelves in the corner that had already been filled to the brim causing books to pile up around it.

"I don't think I've ever been in your room." Luther said. "Family meeting."

He left and Frida soon got herself up and changed. She finished the cigarette before walking out towards the main room.

Everyone else was there already.

Allison handed her a coffee and she dived down to sit next to Klaus who put an arm around her as she laid her head on his shoulder.

"Three days?" Allison questioned.

"That's what Five said." Luther said.

"The old bastard did mention the apocalypse, come to think of it." Klaus said. "He just left out the part about how soon."

"Always leaves out the important part." Frida said. "Just like dad."

"But can we trust him?" Allison asked "I don't know if you've noticed, but Five's a little..."

"Our little psycho." Klaus chuckled.

"I think he's as stable as the rest of us." Frida said.

"He was pretty convincing." Luther said. "If he wasn't trying to stop an apocalypse, those lunatics wouldn't be chasing him."

"That's why they were after him?" Diego asked.


"What did Five even see?" Allison said.

"Uh... Apparently, we all fought together against whoever was responsible." Luther said. He looked nervously around. "Okay. So, here's the plan. Uh, we go through Dad's research... "

"Wait, what?" Allison said as Luther got up.

"Hold on, hold on. Wait a tick, wait a tick, wait a tick." Klaus said. "What actually happened the first time around?"

"Yeah. What are you not tellin' us?" Diego asked. "Come on, big boy, spit it out."

"We died." Luther whispered.

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