My God This Reminds Me Of When We Were Young

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Allison knocked on her sister door only for it to slowly open revealing Frida who was up and changed.

"Morning." Frida said. "If you're here to try and make me decided on mom I'll have you know I still have no idea what to do."

Allison stayed quiet as Luther walked up behind her.

"Come on you should see this too." Allison said as she moved away from the door.

Frida looked up at Luther who also looked confused. They followed Allison up to the small gallery where their moms body sat.

Luther went towards her but Frida kept her distance.

"The two guys last night, the ones with the masks...They did this to her." Allison said. "It has to do with Five somehow. I mean, they were looking for him."

Frida mind was running through everything that happen the last few days. Five in the diner.

"I know I was arguing to turn Grace off, but it doesn't make seeing her like this any easier." Luther said.

Five with the eye.

"Poor Diego." Allison said. "I mean, this is gonna be so hard on him."

The painting with the eye

"Yeah, it's hard on all of us." Luther said.

The world ending.

"Frida..." Luther said trying to get his sisters attention.

Dad choosing to die now.

Allison moved closer to her sister.

He didn't tell her everything

She put a hand on Frida shoulder making her jump and focus back on where she currently is.

"Sorry. I was just thinking." Frida said eyes now landing on their mother. She finally moved closer to her.

"Luther..." Allison said getting his attention back to her.


"Are you okay? You know you can talk to me." Allison asked worried about the man.

"I don't want to discuss it." Luther began to walk away.

"Hey, no." Allison rushed in front of him. "Don't do that. Don't shut me out." Frida watched and listen still bent down next to mom. "When I left, you were still...I mean, what... what happened?"

"Dad sent me on a mission." Luther said. "And it went, um... badly. I almost died. He saved my life."

"Some life he saved you from." Frida whispered but Luther heard and his fist balled up.

"Uh... Why didn't you tell me?" Allison asked. "I... I could have helped you through it.

"I was fine." Luther said trying to convince everyone in the room including himself. "All right? I am fine. I don't need any help."

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