The Lonely Moments Just Get Lonelier

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Frida walked the hallways with bath towels in hand.

"Hey!" Diego yelled out to his sister. "What are you doing?"

"Getting clean towels for Klaus." Frida said stopping in her tracks. "What are you still doing here." He got closer and Frida got a closer look at her brother tear stain face. "Have you been crying?"

"What no." Diego said rubbing his face from any possible trace of tears.

"It's okay if you were you know." Frida said. "I wouldn't think any less of you. Well I already think so low of you can't get any lower."

Diego snatched a towel from Frida.

"I don't cry." Diego vigorously rubbed the towel on his face. "Just sweating probably."

"Mmmm I'm pretty sure I've seen you cry like a bunch of times." Frida said as the two began to walk. "More then Luther which is odd you'd think he's had enough reasons to cry. He's gonna end up letting it all go at once and that isn't good for any-" they stopped hearing familiar noises. They looked to the end of the hallway as two masked people looked at them. "-one"

The masked people began shooting. Diego pushed Frida into moving away from them and threw two knives at them. Frida dropped the towels as she attempted to take cover.

They turn the corner.

"Why do I keep getting shot at!" Frida yelled as she backed into the wall.

"Who's been shooting at you?" Diego asked concern.

"I don't know!" Frida whispered yelled. "People with guns." 

Diego tried to think on what to do but stopped as he watched his sister feel up the wall.

"What are you-" Diego began but was cut off as he watched his sister press on the wall and have it open. He looked inside and saw...nothing.

"God damn it dad." Frida shouted. "What's the point of secret guns when you don't put them back!"

Diego pulled Frida back to the wall as he heard the gun men get closer.

As he turn the corner Diego jumped on him.

"Get him Diego! Mess him up!" Frida yelled as they tussled.

He tried to head slam the guy but it just hurt his own head. He kicked him away and grabbed Frida to make a run for it.

Diego dragged her along. He spotted the ledge of the balcony as they began to shoot at them once again. He grabbed his sister as he forced them both off the balcony.

They bounced off a couch before rolling behind another couch with a table behind it.

Frida immediately looked under the table and found a gun. She smiled thanking herself for remembering it was under there.

"Give me that." Diego said trying to take it away.

"No way finders keepers." Frida said back.

Diego gave her an annoyed look before trying to wrestler the gun away from her.

They both froze when they heard the gun men enter the area.

Diego moved them both a bit farther but they noticed and began shooting. He covered Frida as the bullets rain towards them. Feathers of the pillows near by began to surround them.

The bullets then stopped. They could here Allison and Luther had come to the twos rescue.

"Stay down." Diego ordered Frida. She flipped him off as he got up just in time to rescue Allison.

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