Only Thing We Share Is One Last Name

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Frida stood on the roof of her home ripping up Vanya book. Mumbling to herself with a few tears down her face.

"Frida?" Luther voiced was heard. Frida froze and looked over her shoulder to see Luther standing there a worried look on his face.

"Can you believe she wrote that?" Frida asked a small chuckle escaping her lips. " '...when Frida the only one of my siblings I felt close to tried to end their life after our brothers death it was me who found her. It still haunts me to this day. Not just finding her but that she was willing to leave me here on my own..."

"Frida calm down." Luther said slowly getting closer to her.

"I'm not gonna jump Luther!" Frida yelled angrily.

"Then get off the ledge." Luther said.

A wave of realization came over Frida as she looked down and realized how close she was. How'd she get up here. When did she get so close to the edge. She stepped back a little tripping backwards but Luther was right behind her and cushion her fall.

"It's alright." Luther said as he held his sobbing sister. "I'm right here I'm not going anywhere."

"I just want everything to go back the way it was." Frida cried out into Luther's shoulder. He held her a little tighter hoping for the same thing.

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"Alright where are they." Five said barging into Frida room. The sleeping Frida put blankets over her face and grunted. "Come on Frida even Klaus is already up."

Frida moved about under the blanket before her head popped up.


"The paintings Frida." Five said. "Where did dad keep your paintings."

"Your arm is bleeding." Frida said noticing the small amount of blood on his shoulder.

"Not important." Five said covering it up. "Paintings?"

Frida sat up on her bed now yawning.

"In that little padlocked room downstairs but-" Frida stopped seeing that Five had already teleported out. She rubbed her eyes and he was back.

"Nothings in there?" Five said.

"Yeah if you'd let me finish..." Frida said annoyed. " I was hanging out with Klaus last night and you know..."


"I'm so tired and it's so late and you drank so much." Frida told Klaus as she carried him inside. They had went to dinner then Klaus convinced Frida to go to a bar.

"Oh my gosh I just had a great idea." Klaus said as Frida put him down so she could open the front doors. "You should do your future painting thing in front of me. I've always wanted to see it."

"No...I don't even know if I can." Frida said help Klaus back up again but Klaus pushed away and stumbled inside on his own.

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