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Chapter- reconciling are differences?
Words- 1090
Hayleys Pov:

I started to walk around looking at everything acting as if I hadn't seen the house before, shocker Hayley you live there you awkward thing

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I started to walk around looking at everything acting as if I hadn't seen the house before, shocker Hayley you live there you awkward thing.

'Woah" JJ cried out in shock staring at something he was looking at in awe again, I sighed and then walked over too JJ taking in a deep breath feeling nervous under are close proximity.

His shoulder was pressed up against mine until I walked forward my back being pressed against his chest now as I felt his breath fan my exposed skin.

I ran my fingers over the old cryptic brown paper, "misses Cannes house." I whispered under my breath as I read the cryptic writing.

"JJ it's-" I spun around facing JJ now being way too close for comfort, he had moved closer to read the script so are chests were pressed together and are eyes were locked.

He looked down on me the hatred in his eyes were no longer there, no there was something else there this time.

Something that I couldn't put my finger on.

"We-we erm need to go to misses crains house, the gold is there I think." I nodded to myself my words must of removed him from his daze as he nodded and stepped back walking away.

He walked down the stairs and out the door with me on his trial.

"Hey look can we talk?" I yelled out throwing my hands up in the air in exaggeration.

"There's nothing to talk about"he replied in a short 'piss off' manner.

"Yes, yes there is. There's so much to talk about JJ" I pleaded walking over to his back turned sculpture, I placed a hand on his back causing him to flinch and tense.

He turned around giving me a cold blank stare.

"No we don't Hayley." He responded in a dry monologue voice.

"Yes we do JJ and even if I have to force you stand here and talk to me then I will. I don't want are friendship to end over something so silly. We've been friends all are lives J why not now? What's changed? Be honest because you can't possibly be so mad about me leaving for a while that you'd hate my guts. It's impossible." I reasoned placing my hand on my pulsing head.

"You can't expect everything to go back to the way it was Hayley . You just can't." He cried out running a hand through his blonde locks then down his face obviously frustrated.

"I can JJ. I can because your my best friend. You know everything about me and you know that I wouldn't be here right now trying to get you talk to me if are friendship wasn't worth it. Truth is your worth everything to me and I don't want to ever leave you again." I attempted to reason but if anything my words only made him sadder.

"BUT YOU ARE! Your leaving after the summer and we'll never speak again and there's nothing you can do to change it." He had tears now forming in his eyes, he's always had a fear of abandonment and me leaving didn't help.

I placed my hands on either side of his cheeks forcing him to look at me this time, "J" I whispered not knowing what else to say.

He nodded his head attempting to move away but instead I grabbed his arm and pulled him into me, I placed his hands around my waist and hugged my own around his neck pulling him into me.

He tended for a moment before leaning down and placing his face in my neck breathing in for a second then I felt at that moment wet salty tears trailing down my bare neck.

I shivered at the feeling it left but still kept my hands wrapped around him nonetheless.

"I'm not going to leave you J. Never again not even if it means I loose my job. Your worth more to me then the money I make." This time he let out a strangled cry as he latched onto me harder.

I felt him walk backwards but with the grip that he had on my waist told me that he still didn't want to let go.

All of a sudden i fell on top of him, straddling him now, Im guessing that we were sat on the bench.

"Don't leave me" he whimpered out, he very rarely showed his vulnerable side so me leaving really did effect him especially me leaving him with his dad.

"Never" I responded gripping onto him tightly before pulling away slightly to look at his now red sore eyes and damp cheeks.

I removed my arms from his neck but made no move to leave his lap as he made now attempt to remove his hands from my waist.

My thumbs brushed across his cheeks wiping away his dry salty tears earning a small sheepish grin to which I returned.

I leaned in pressing my lips against his forehead before ducking my head back into his neck with my hands pressed on his chest for a few minutes before sliding up to his neck again hugging him into me like I used to whenever one of us would break down.

We always both needed that special thing that shows that we still care, his favourite thing was getting a kiss on the forehead as I once told him when we very young that that's what people who love each other do and then ever since then we did it to one another when one us was really sad.

His grip on my waist tightened as he sniffled before leaning further into me sliding one of his hands down (the left one) down to my thigh pulling me in further took him.

He then guided my leg around his waist hugging he waist as we do I did the same thing with my other leg not wanting any piece of us to be apart.

"I'm sorry J" I whispered with tears streaming down my cheeks as I pulled him into me tighter refusing to ever let go now that I had him back.

I think he felt the same way as well fore he too hugged me tighter but he still didn't answer I knew I had to earn back his trust and I was willing to do so no matter what it takes and no matter what happens.

It's him and me, and it always will be.

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