t w e n t y - s i x

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Chapter- you always make me look like a bad friend, Hayley.
Words- 1351
Hayley's Pov:

"So no one fucking believes us even with that gun? Are you fucking kidding me!" JJ screamed throwing his hat at the wall as we all watched

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"So no one fucking believes us even with that gun? Are you fucking kidding me!" JJ screamed throwing his hat at the wall as we all watched.

"J" I whispered while walking over to him, he gave me a look before letting out a held breath.

He gave me a small nod to say he was okay before bending down and picking up his hat and throwing it on the front way, he gave me a quick kiss on the cheek before walking over to sit on the chairs.

We all sat in silence as we contiplated on what we could do now to get John b out.

I mean man we've done everyone, everything.

And they don't believe us even with all the evidence that we've been giving them, it's bull shit!

All fucking bullshit.

Soon enough Sarah spoke up interrupting the tense silence with a panicked expression written on her face.

"I'm going to testify under the oath. I was there. I just need to get ahold of my sister." She whispered the last bit under her breath as she stood up grabbing her jacket and throwing it through her arms.

"Sister? wheezie?" The blonde boy frowned at the idea of including a preteen never mind relying on the information of one.

"Wheezie is the only other person who knows that Rafe wasn't there that day. I don't know what to do okay? I got us into this mess. I'm going to try and get us out of it." Sarah shrugged throwing all of us looks her eyes lasting on mine for a few seconds awkwardly.

I gave her a reassuring smile knowing that it wasn't her fault that everything went down last year so she shouldn't feel awkward towards me, yes she was mentioned but it was truly not her fault and I realize that now.

She returned the smile almost giving me thankful eyes of my forgiveness.

"Wheezie? Yeah like that'll work." JJ grumbled pissed at the thought one more causing my attention to go back to the group.

"Well she's right about something" I began to talk grabbing everyone's attention, "we have to do something. Are we just going to sit here? What's the plan, eh we kidnap shout?" I mused the last bit knowing that almost everyone will disagree.

Like I said, almost.

"Yeah you know that isn't the worse idea I've heard actually." JJ commented too himself while nodding his head, he removed his cap as he flipped it around his chest heaving.

"That is actually the worse idea ever-thanks Pope." I amused causing him to give me a small smile, Pope and me have always had this on going banter.

He's like a brother to me, nothing more, nothing less.

"J are you crazy? Do you want to join John B in jail?" My eyes widened as I turned my head to stare at him, he gave me an annoyed look obviously not too pleased by my disagreement in this conversation.

"You know what, please can you just stay fucking out of this?" He spat towards me harshly causing me to turn my head to the ground.

"We've been doing this Pope or your way and look where that's getting us?" He argued sending glares to both i and Pope, I saw his eyes drift to Sarah's for a second but when she broke eye contact he threw that hope out the window and into the drain.

My head tilted upwards as I lifted my eyebrows displeased by his accusations, I let out a scoff as I began to talk, "because you can't take shit serious JJ! Me and Pope are always having to take everything in consideration because he's the only one I can count on in situations like this." I bit back while sending him a harsh glare.

If he wants to play like this then we'll play like this.

"Okay okay, so what's the plan?" Pope jumped in seeing an argument rising, "you gonna storm into a jail, guns a blazing?"

By now everyone's bloods were burning and everyone was high on the tension, we were all arguing with each other as Sarah walked out into kiaras house to call wheezie occasionally throwing in some remarks.

"Look Pope, all I'm trying to say is that they got are boy, are we just gonna sit here and do nothing? No, we're gonna go get his ass. We're gonna go and do some fucking thing about it!" JJ ranted arguing on with everyone believing each and every single word he was saying.

Is he high?

Is so I want that shit, seems like good stuff.

"JJ we are not storming into a jail. It's just not happening." My arms folded themselves over my chest as I shook my head at him, we're not possibly doing well that.

He shrugged his shoulders carelessly, "fine Hayley you sit there sipping your tea and eating your biscuits while I go do the work as per."

"Have fun with that then, I'll come visit You in jail 2 times a week." I gave him a small smile to light his fuel, he let out a groan of annoyance before kicking the chair and storming away into the rain.

The thunder roared as I let out a small huff before running out after him on his trail, my hand reached for his arm pulling him back and causing him to look at me.

The rain had already dampened my hair as it clung to my once dry neck.

"I need to do this Hayley. He's my brother, my best friend and you make me seem like a bad one all the time when you disagree with my voice of opinion. I mean how many times have we almost died due to the Cameron's? So many they don't deserve all this nice stuff they're getting." He argued as he stared at me with water trickling down his cheeks.

"Your not a bad friend for wanting to help your friend J, we just need to help him smartly or else it's just going to get worse." I comforted while wrapping my arms around his waist pulling him close into me and inhaling his sent.

His head shook disobeying, "I can't do this with out him Hazel, this is wards fault. Rafe's fault and they're getting away with it. We can't just sit in there and hope for the best. They will kill him, you and I both know that."

I slid my arm around his neck as I pulled his face down resting are foreheads against one another's, his arms wrapped around my waist as we cringed at the fought of him being dead.

He couldn't leave, he was the one who kept us all mentally stable.

Safe for that matter.

I mean yes he and JJ lit each other's fires but they needed each other to stay sane just as much as we needed him for guidance.

"JJ were going to figure this out. We can't mess up this time, or else he's gone. I won't let you loose someone else." I cooed as I tangled my fingers in his locks behind his head.

He nuzzled his face in my neck as his shaky breath fanned my skin, "this is exhausting." He mumbled sadly.

"Things will get easier but we need to stick together, we can't separate." I stood on my tiptoes before pressing a small kiss on his crown.

"I love you Hazel. Please don't bail on me, I can't handle it anymore especially right now." He whispered as his forehead pressed itself against my own, the feeling of are skin pressed against each other alone causing butterflies to fill my stomach.

"Never." I whispered as I attached are lips with such adoration, all of are emotions were pushed into the kiss causing all of are worries to simply fall away.

I could feel JJ's loss, his pain, his love, his hurt, his brokenness, I could feel it all but it was perfect.

Just like he was.

He was my perfect.

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