t h i r t y - t h r e e

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Chapter- guilty flowers
Hayley's Pov-

A light knock was heard at my door startling me, I placed my book on the nightstand then pulled my body up, "come in."

The door opened revealing all the pogues, they had wide smiles on there faces as they rushed over to me JJ on there trail with a bouquet of flowers in his left hand his eyes looking anywhere but at me.

"Hayley!" Kiara called out before latching her arms around my neck, a wince sounded from my lips making her instantly pull away before ushering sudden sorry's.

"It's fine kie, just a little sore." I breathed out a laugh before hugging her, she hugged me back before Sarah joined in my other arm wrapped around her.

We may not of been as close as we were but she was still a friend I held closely, so her being her did mean a lot to me.

"I missed you guys" I whispered, they whispered it back before giving me another small squeeze and pulling away to allow Pope to hug me as well.

We hugged for a few minutes then pulled away so that John B could hug me, we mocked each other at the start before telling each other that we actually admitted that we missed each other.

My eyes moved to the boy who hadn't said a word ever since they walked in, kie noticed me looking at him so she nudged him with her elbow averting his attention from the roses to me.

His eyes were clouded with guilt as he slowly walked over to me putting the flowers on the nightstand, "hey" he whispered sitting on the edge of the bed.

The pogues walked out saying that they would let us talk for a minute, I guess they wanted to give us alone time since we were a couple.

But who knows with them lot.

"Hey j" I whispered back tucking back the hair that fell in front of my face behind me ear so I can get a better look at him.

"Fuck I missed you Hay." Was all he said before wrapping his arms around me, his usual home like scent filled my nostrils making my whole body un-intense.

My arms wrapped themselves subconsciously around his waist as I moved closer to him, he buried his face in my neck as sobs came from his lips alarming me.

I pulled away to look at him as i cupped his face is he could look at me, "what's wrong J?" I asked worried as my brown eyes searched his blue ones.

His eyes were clouded with guilt and remorse making me curious as to what he could of done to feel this kind of way.

"I-I'm sorry hayley-" he was cut off by the door opening, my eyes moved to the nurse who had a notebook in her hand as she looked at us.

"Sorry is this a bad time?" I shook my head then waved at her to continue although my mind was elsewhere.

What was he sorry about?

"We've checked your vitals and it shows that your all clear, your scheduled to leave next week as we want you to be fully stable before you leave. The police will come by tomorrow and ask you questions on how you got the gun shot wound in the first place. I'll be back later to do your blood test, but apart from that I hope you're okay. If your in any pain then just call us and we'll see if we can get you anything, you've been through a lot Ms Amore. Your a strong girl. I'll leave you two to talk and digest this news." She spoke calmly with soft eyes and a small smile to which I returned, with that she walked away closing the door behind her.

I moved my eyes back to the blonde crying boy before me placing my hand on his cheek as I  looked at him.

"Sorry what was you saying?" I laughed wiping his tears away as I sounded each and every letter, his eyes were a blood shot red meaning he's either drunk or hung over.

He had a pale touch to his skin, different that his usual tanned colour but he still looked like perfection.

His hair was more messy than usual, more like bed hair or hair when I run my fingers through it.

He's the only boy I've ever known to have as soft hair as he does.

He had a small cut on his bottom lip meaning he's gotten into a fight, he was without a shirt which only added to my curiosity.

What's been going on in my unconscious state?

"Nothing-I'm just. I'm just happy your okay, hayley." Hayley.

He hasn't called me that in a while, something tells me something is going on but it seems personal so I'll let him tell me when it feels right.

Plus everything's okay now, I'm okay, we're okay, my friends and family are okay.

John b's okay.

Maybe things will begin to work out for the better now.


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