Chapter 3: Az..zura?

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A hooded figure was in a church crouched on their knees. In front of them was a couple of things. A white feather, a black one, and there was a spine coiled in a circle in a circle. The hooded figure stood up and looked at the two others in the room. To this figure's right, was the legendary seraphim... Aniel? She had on her typical attire and to her right was a demon, Astaroth. The angel and the demon were facing each other. Although they seem to be clearly working with each other, they clearly did not like each other.

"So we have everything yes?" The seraphim Aniel asked annoyed.

"You seem like you have the gitters, angel, scared of your brethren finding out I wonder?" Astaroth mocked. Aniel seemed agitated by this as such he white lightning began sparking around her body, but she stopped when the hooded figure spoke

"Almost, but we're still missing two things. A primordial ritual needs 5 things belonging to the world's most dominant species. We have a human spine, a feather from an angel and demon, I have one more thing, and we just need something belonging to a Titan."

Aniel seemed skeptical.

"Yea, but what exactly do you have?" She asked not realizing she was calmed down now. The demon Astaroth crossed her arms and followed up

"I'm going to have to add to that. All these months and we still have no idea who you even are.?" The hooded figure smirked and started reaching in its pocket and pulled out a tooth. It was green and purple and it was shining.

"What in the.." Astaroth remarked shocked. The hooded figure began chuckling before saying

"The tooth... of Tiamat.." before placing it in the center of the spine. Aniel was impressed but she was still skeptical.

"Alright, show thyself. You have roughly 5 seconds to do exactly that or ill hit you with so many angelic spells the next 5 universes... will be blind." She threatened seriously. Astaroth didn't say a thing she merely put out her right hand towards the figure as if she were about to shoot an attack. The hooded figure put up its hands.

"Hey now, we all want the same thing right? I am still the only person capable of doing this ritual. And besides... its not like yall would pose a threat to me anyway..." replied the hooded figure before removing its hood. Aniel was the first to notice but it took Astaroth about 5 seconds longer. It was a man, be had short blonde hair, golden eyes, and pale skin.

"Adam" they both said at the same time despite Aniel noticing first. He lowered his hands and put his hands behind his back.

"Pretty boy Adam... I bet you miss Eve?" Astaroth mocked as she clearly didn't like him. His eyes widened upon hearing her name.

"Is she.." he asked the demoness. She closed her eyes and said

"Down in hell." Aniel seemed surprised by this information but she didn't seem to care much about Eve's fate. Adam sighed and put his hands in his pockets.

"Well... I guess after we're done with this ritual I'll just go get her" Adam stated confidently. Astaroth chuckled as she opened her eyes again

"It blows my mind how you can still care about that harlot despite getting you into problems with Azura. Let me guess... thats why you want to locate her huh? To apologize perhaps? Or maybe something a little more desperate? Perhaps you would like to ask her to bring back your beloved? Surely you aren't gonna waltz to hell? You wouldn't even get passed Lilith..."

Astaroth said arrogantly. Adam was clearly enraged as his eyes narrowed. He took a deep breath which made Astaroth smile deviously.

"Look, let's just wait for our last item to arrive. Someone was supposed to come here and deliver the la-" Adam spoke before being interrupted

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