Chapter 9: Ole Great Witch

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"Salem!" Rhea shouted but she was quickly interrupted by the witch putting her arm out hinting for the rest of the gods to stay back.

"Aria!!!" Lakia shouted from the stands. Under normal circumstances Mizune would be suspicious that she only called for Aria but he too was in shock as well as the rest of the crowd. Salem began performing hand gestures. By this point Rhea, Odin, Ra had recovered and were ready to fight again. Aria and Joshua still groaning in pain due to the giant swords impaling as Teyza opened her umbrella to get the rest of Lucifer's blood off it. Suddenly something happened. Lakia was the first to notice something bizarre.

"What is.." she said to herself as she felt a bit queasy. She suddenly felt nauseous as all the rows in the arena reverted upside down and all the students fell into an unknown pocket dimension. With an impressed smirk on her gorgeous face Rhea noticed and crossed her arms. Teyza didn't seem to care about the students at all, However she was focused on something bigger. Suddenly the sorceress' eyes widened with bewilderment. All of them actually, they realized that the entire school... Salem kept doing hand signs as the floor, ceiling, and walls of the academy became ethereal with a clock forming.

"Are you telling me.. this school!?" Teyza shouted. Salem's angry expressed molded into a devious smile knowing she had the greatest sorceress in the multiverse in checkmate. Lucifer whom was bleeding on the ground suddenly faded. Aria and Joshua too faded. Amaterasu, Hera, Athena, and Michael followed. Lilith and Artemis were still fighting uninterrupted viciously.

"Where di-" Ra said worried about Amaterasu. He had noticed her aura when she returned but...

"I get it." Rhea interrupted. Salem nodded which gave everyone their natural confirmation. Salem says,

"Its a spell. A multi layered complicated one." Salem finished her hand signs as she elegantly floated in the air. Something happened that no one expected. Energy from the school began pouring into Salem. This however did make Artemis and Lilith stop fighting. They both had their forearms pressed against each other's throats as they watched.

"You wicked witch.." Artemis said calmly. They all watched her absorb every nook and cranny of the entire school and when she did, the setting changed. They weren't on the planet anymore. The lot of them even those that disappeared were in some type of clock dimension. There were clock towers, the moon was a clock itself, the ground etc. It was a place known as realm of the hourly otherwise known as Salem's domain. Even the gods had not visited Salem's world before, until now.

Her students along with Mizune, Aria, Lakia and Joshua were all in a city. The towers consisted of nothing but clocktower skyscrapers. The Hourly Apostles were reuinted again however it was not a joyous occasion. Everyone looked in the sky and saw Teyza Kuyomi floating in the air with Salem floating right in front of her. Something was different with the witch goddess however... There were black markings along her body and in the center of her forehead was an hour hand that slowly moved. Ra, Odin, and Rhea were standing on top of separate buildings waiting to see this fight come to a close. All of the injured gods such as Hera, Amaterasu, Athena and even the angel Michael were all being treated by some of the witch's healing circles next to her students. Salem did not show such courtesy to her enemies as Achilles, Atlas, and Apophis were all knocked out but not being healed. The Tribal woman was conscious but resting. Lucifer was conscious too and she was actually sitting next to Joshua though everyone had their focus on the witch and sorceress.

"Well aren't you full of tricks.." Teyza said with a smile a she twirled her umbrella. Something happened that made Teyza and everyone else shocked.  With no fear or worry Salem casually walked passed Teyza. Almost as if she wasn't acknowledging her presence. This made the sorceress a bit irritated as she frowned and looked at the witch behind her. Salem began to speak,

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