Chapter 4: The Tournament

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Aria woke in her room with a massive headache. She was only wearing robes and she had a bandage wrapped around her forehead. In Salem's Magic Academy, each of the students have their own doorms they share with at least one other student. Aria and Lakia's room was was average sized, they had their own bed which were on opposite sides of the wall. When the sorceress came to consciousness, she found herself holding her throbbing head.

"Gee what the hell?" Aria said as she closed her eyes and groaned. It was morning time around 7:30 Am, which is normal for Academy students. Aria took her hands off her head and looked at her right palm. There was a faint of blue aura on it, but she didn't think anything of it as it faded. The sorceress sat up, removed her covers, kicked her feet and got out the bed. She wiped her eyes still head throbbing and then she snapped her fingers. A black and purple sorcerer robe magically replaced her former attire. There was a large circular window in the middle of the room which she walked up to. She admired herself and did a twirl and put her hands on her hips and then suddenly there was a ring. She did a hand gesture in thin air and a hologram appeared from a small circular black device that floated. It was Mizune. He was already in his sorcerer robes, assuming he had gotten up before her.

"Heyyy" he said through the hologram projection. Aria smiled and responded

"Yoo" she put her hand on her head again which he noticed and eyed her oddly.

"You don't look so hot, do any crazy spells lately?" He joked. Aria paused for about 3 seconds

"Yea, no, I don't think so. Just kinda woke up with a headache" Aria followed up. Mizune looked like he had a hard time believing it. He scratched his head

"Well, that's definitely abnormal. Whats the last thing you remember?" He asked sincerely. Aria looked sure at first and then she kinda looked around confused as it she didn't remember.

"Umm... I think me and Lakia were in the meditation room, Salem came in, scolded me about using her magic on that demon, and then... Lakia said something to me... thats all I remember...yea.. woke up with this crazy headache" Aria recollected her last thoughts. Mizune raised an eyebrow

"Did you... ask Lakia? Seems like a good start?" Mizune followed up. Thats when it dawned on Aria. Lakia was not in the room.

"Uhhh she's not here, ill have to give her a call" Aria said as she began walking around the room looking for something. Mizune watched her as he finally said

"Alright well, hopefully she is fine, you are fine, and this is all just you two doing illegal drinking. I'm hanging up, make sure you prepare, today is tournament day." Mizune said his last words before he disconnected and the hologram of him disappeared and the small ball floated in the air.

"Right... the tournament." Aria thought to herself.

In a void

The goddess Azura was floating inside of it and she was meditating. There was floating crystal fragments all inside the void. A few of them would shatter, simultaneously Aria would get another headache.

Hours Later in Salem Magic Acadeny

There would be a massive arena where all the students were gathering. They all had robes, but there seemed to be separation. Some had black and purple, some had red and black, some were white and black, and the last were green and black. They didn't sit in that way, it was actually quite random. The room was massive. It gathered about 5000 students total. At the center the floor is where two combatants would fight against each other. Salem would stand at the ring watching each fight and moderating them personally. She was in her usual animal fur like attire. Aria, Joshua, and Mizune all sat near each other, the only one missing was Lakia. Aria would get occasional headaches but she did her best to ignore them and stay strong. Salem walked slowly with her arms spread out and said

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