Author's Note

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Hello my readers! This is Annabelle and I apologize that this isn't an update. It's just a message from me to you.

So, the reason the last chapter was a bajillion times longer than my other chapters was just because I felt the need to write a really long one because I don't update consistently.

Thanks so much to my BRILLIANT friend, Cailyn! She always pushes me to update this story and votes my chapters. I believe that she is my closest supporter and she's super cool! I highly recommend her Harry Potter fan fictions and you can find her at HereComesTheUniverse. Read her books people!

Also, a few other shout outs to
TrinaJoyful, sociallyawkwardpoet and
Jarebear2001 because they are supportive and fun.

If you enjoy deep and romantic/dramatic stories, you should read sociallyawkwardpoet's books because I find that they fit that criteria well.

If you enjoy more light and comedic romance, TrinaJoyful's Book To Be Named Later is funny and is a great stress reliever.

All for now!


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