End of the World - I

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It seems like forever since I wrote for the Protector, I'm so sorry for the delay, lets get into the first chapter of the End of the World!


The Doctor looked up from the console as Rose walked in, a frown on his face before it relaxed slightly. "Don't worry." She held her hands up. "Only me."
"Good." The Doctor scowled. "I shouldn't have let her stay."

Rose sighed and walked over to him, her arms crossed, she leaned against the console curiously watching the Time Lord, his own arms crossed and his eyes burning into one of the coral beams of the TARDIS. "Why do you dislike her so much?" Rose questioned.

The Doctor shook his head, glancing at Rose for a moment before staring at the Time rotor of the TARDIS. "It's a long old fight we've had with each other, started when we were kids, never really stopped." The Doctor shrugged.

"Can't you say sorry?"

The Doctor snorted in amusement. "It's much more than just apologising now, plus why should I say sorry to her?" He shot Rose a cautious look, his eyes narrowing. "Did she tell you to come in here and ask me to apologise just so she could rub it in my face if I did? As if that would ever work."

"I wasn't asked to do that." Rose frowned. "Why?"

"She tried to get our friend to do that before, that woman found it hilarious."

Rose frowned in confusion but shrugged the Time Lords comment off as he turned to the console again. "Anyways, Rose Tyler, enough about the long-lasting feud. Where do you want to go? Backwards or forwards in time. It's your choice. What's it going to be?"

Rose stared at him for a moment. "Forwards."

"How far?"

"One hundred years."

The Doctor nodded and turned a dial before he pulled a lever, the TARDIS groaned and a second later he nodded at the TARDIS doors. "There you go. Step outside those doors, it's the twenty-second century."

"You're kidding." Rose replied,

The Protector walked in and rolled her eyes. "Did I just hear a hundred years?" She asked. "Sorry but as a first trip that's boring, how about further?"

Rose nodded. "Fine by me."

The Doctor rolled his eyes and pulled a leaver before turning a dial. "Ten thousand years in the future. Step outside, it's the year 12005, the new Roman Empire."

"You think you're so impressive." Rose laughed.

"I am so impressive." The Doctor shot back.

The Protector snorted as Rose replied to his comment: "You wish."

"Right then," he pointed at Rose, "you asked for it. I know exactly where to go. Hold on!" He shouted, turning the same dial before  sharply pulling the leaver down

The Protector huffed and glared at the Doctor as the TARDIS shook. She sighed when they stopped and Rose looked at the Time Lord. "Where are we? What's out there?"

"Go see for yourself." The Doctor raised a hand towards the doors.

Rose looked to and from the Doctor to the doors before deciding for herself, a moment later she was outside the TARDIS and heading down a small flight of steps.

The Protector followed the blonde with the Doctor behind them. Slowly Rose came to a stop beside a large shutter in the wall, revealing exactly where they were.

"You lot, you spend all your time thinking about dying, like you're going to get killed by eggs or beef or global warming or asteroids." The Doctor remarked, coming to a stop beside Rose, the Protector on her other side. "But you never take time to imagine the impossible, that maybe you survive. This is the year five point five slash apple slash twenty-six. Five billion years in your future and this is the day..." He stopped to look at his wrist. "Hold on..." He looked up and the sun flared and slowly became red. "This is the day the Sun expands. Welcome to the end of the world."

Fighting Against Fire [One] (The Protector Chronicles)Where stories live. Discover now