World War Three - I

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Okay to start... I know, I said I didn't have the motivation to edit but the new season of Doctor Who starts in under an hour and a half and I happened to almost be finished editing this chapter. So I forced myself to sit down and just do it and that happened to work. (for once).

I wish I could tell you when the next part of this will be out but if you know me that could be from next week to five months down the line. (Hopefully it's less than five months!).

Enjoy and happy Doctor Who release day!

─── 。゚☆・*.☽ .* ☆゚. ───

The creature pushed the poor man she was yet to know the name of flush against the wall, its claw digging into him while the man's legs dangled helplessly in the air. The Protector's eyebrows rose before she promptly blinked as electricity suddenly danced across the green creature's body as it screeched in pain and let go of the man. The Protector grabbed Rose and Harriet's hands before pulling them out of the cabinet room.

"No, wait." Harriet snatched her hand away from the Protector as she went to run back inside the room. "They're still in there. The emergency protocols. We need them!"

The Time Lady shook her head and pulled Harriet back. "There's no time right now, we need to go, we'll get them later!"

She ran down a corridor with Rose and Harriet following her. The Protector turned a corner and then led them down another corridor before heading out into a hallway. "Rose you take Harriet, I need to find the Doctor." She pointed to a door as she ran through another corridor, finding a lift she ran inside and pressed a button before pulling out a small screwdriver from her pocket and opening the casing. 'The Doctor is never going to let me forget this.' she muttered to herself as she began to mess with different wires.

The lift went ding again and she looked up as the Doctor, with his back to the lift, his hands held up stepped in, soldiers holding guns pointed in front of him. "Don't stand them against the lift!" He announced, stepping inside and using his sonic to shut the lift. "Hello." He nodded at the Time Lady.

The Doctor smirked seeing the tool in her hand. "Nice screwdriver."

"Shut up." She snapped back.

The Lift opened again and the Doctor smiled widely as a Slitheen turned from Rose and Harriet running into a room to the Time Lords.

"Hello again." The Protector nodded, looking up momentarily, "Sorry can't chat." She put two wires together and they sparked and the lift closed again, heading up to the second floor. It opened after a ding and the Time Lady  ripped out all the wires, wincing slightly as they all sparked. "No one can use the lifts now." She muttered before heading out of the lift after the Doctor, who soniced the doors shut afterwards.

"Any ideas?" The Protector questioned as the two Time Lords ran through a corridor and down a set of stairs.

"They said they're the Slitheen." The Doctor replied. "I've never heard of them before. You?"

"Never." She shook her head. They went to go through an open door before quickly retreating and hiding behind two pillars as the lift dinged and two of the Slitheen walked through.

"It does us good to hunt." One of the Slitheen said to another. "Purifies the blood."

"Hunt..." The Protector telepathically repeated, eyes flickering to the Doctor for a moment as they narrowed while the other Slitheen spoke:

"We'll keep this floor quarantined as our last hunting ground before the final phase."

"We need to stop this, now." The Protector added.

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