End of the World - II

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I'm back again with another update! <3

The Time Lady raised a brow as she turned another corridor and saw Rose walk into a small room.

Earth Death in twenty five minutes. The computer announced

She placed the silver ball down and looked at the small plant pot with the twig inside. "Hello. My name's Rose. That's a sort of plant. We might be related." She frowned. "I'm talking to a twig."

"You know." The Protector said making Rose spin around to see the Time Lady leaning against the door. "I had a friend who was actually a flower once."

"Really?" Rose asked.

"No." She snorted slightly. "It's a nice thought though."


"Sorry." She apologised while walking in the room and sitting down beside Rose. "I know it's hard getting used to well..." she gestured around. "This."

"Yeah, once you get past the slightly psychic paper. They're just so alien. The aliens are so alien. You look at 'em and they're alien."

"Good thing he didn't take you to the Deep South." The Time Lady rolled her eyes.

"Where are you from?" Rose questioned.

"Well." The Time Lady swallowed hard. "That is a difficultt question."

Rose sighed. "They all speak English."

"No, you just hear English. Remember I told you the TARDIS is telepathic?"


"Well it's the telepathic field, she's translating it all for you."

"What? The telepathic thing?"

The Protector nodded. "She does it automatically, don't worry, she won't do anything else, unlike the Doctor she's not an ass."

Rose chuckled slightly. "Can I ask you something?"


"Why did you pick your name?"

"I Protector people." She shrugged.

"But how did you come up with that?"

"Well." She sighed, looking out the window and at the Earth below. "A long time ago I made a choice to travel the stars, I saw terrible things happen to planets and people and swore that if they cannot protect themselves then I will protect them."


"Yeah." The Protector smiled. "What sort of alien are you?"

"I'm a Time Lady." She replied.

"Can we see your planet?"

"No." She shook her head. "Not right now, sorry."


"And I wouldn't ask the Doctor, he might get all northern and snappy."

Earth Death in twenty minutes. Earth Death in twenty minutes.

Rose pulled out her phone, frowning as she couldn't get a single. "There's no signal. We're out of range. Just a bit."

The Protector snorted. "Just a bit."

"What's so funny in here?" The Doctor walked into the room.

"Can't get a signal." The Time Lady pointed at Rose's phone."

"Tell you what." He walked over, taking the phone off her and bringing out his sonic. "With a little bit of jiggery pokery."

"Is that a technical term, jiggery pokery?"

Fighting Against Fire [One] (The Protector Chronicles)Where stories live. Discover now