What's a Time Lord?

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You guys know I love my interludes and there's next to none in the Parallel Series so I need to make up for that with my other two!

"So." Rose began, walking around the TARDIS. The Protector followed her, a bag of chips in hand. "When we were just left the station you said you were a Time Lord... Well, Lady?"

"Either will do." She shrugged, the formalities never really bothered her about what she was referred to. She glanced to the entrance of the console room, if the Protector knew anything about the Doctor (and she surprisingly knew a lot even though they were anything but friends) he would not at all be happy that she was mentioning the Time Lords to Rose. "It's what I am." She began to explain, sighing for a moment before leaning against the console and carefully placing the bag of chips on it. "Most people who lived on my planet were Gallifreyans, but some of us were lucky." She used air quotes. "We're made into Time Lords."

"Why were you lucky?"

"Time Lords have a unique sort of trick." She frowned for a moment, thinking of how to explain it best. "People awed the life of a Time Lord, a life of riches and a higher class than Gallifreyans until you really understand how horrible it is. At least I thought it was horrible."

Rose frowned. "How was it horrible?"

"My family were one of the higher class families so I was always destined to be a Time Lord, ever since I was born I was groomed into acting a certain way. I had the best tutors for all my subjects in the Academy and was taught that I was always better than everyone else apart from the high council." Rose nodded along as the Time Lady continued to explain. "I was to become part of the rulers of my planet but I didn't want that. I wanted to peacefully watch the universe but when I saw how some were trying to destroy that beauty for their gain I decided to try to protect it and the people in it."

Rose smiled sadly in understanding and hugged the Time Lady. "Thank you for telling me."

"You're welcome." The Protector smiled, "Come on it's getting boring just standing here and eating chips."


I just knew from the start that the Protector wouldn't be opposed to telling Rose about where she was from so I had to write this, next we go to 1869 with Charles Dickens and some gas creatures!

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