Aliens of London - III

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I hope everyone had a happy holiday and new years! a

And of course those like myself who celebrate Christmas had a lovely time!! My girlfriend spoiled me... hehe

Moving on from that though we're back bitches and I cannot wait to FINALLY get this book over and done with and move on to the second. I love every second of writing this but I do miss the days when I could easily churn out 3 chapters a week... there's no way I can do that now... haha. 

My aim for the end of 2024 is to have the second book coming towards completion along with the second of the Recsuers Encomium being close to completion too. 

Also spoiler!!?? the second book of this series is going to be called...

Igniting A Fire. 

I won't say anything else ;)


After a short while of the Protector showing Mickey the wonders of the TARDIS library and the swimming pool the man grew quiet and stopped asking the Time Lady questions about the TARDIS. "She didn't even think to call me." He muttered with a shake of his head as they walked through the corridors.

The Protector raised a brow and turned around to look at him. She casually walked backwards now through the corridors of the TARDIS while Mickey continued to walk forward. He watched her in amazement. "It was less than a week for her Mickey." The Protector told him, ignoring the look of shock he was giving her. "But you're right to be upset, anyone would be if they were in your shoes." Mickey slowly nodded, somewhat glad he wasn't acting stupid, or as stupid as he thought he was. "Try to talk to her. Get her to see it from your point of view."

Mickey nodded. "You're much nicer than the Doctor you know."

"Believe me I know." The Protector winked before she spun back around to face forwards once again. "Come on Big Ears is probably almost finished on the TARDIS by now."

Mickey let out a small chuckle at the name and followed the Protector back to the console.

They found the Doctor lying beneath the grating on his back, his sonic in one hand while a wire was in the other.

"So, what're you doing down there?" Mickey asked, walking up to the Doctor and peering down at the Time Lord.

"Ricky." The Doctor began before getting cut off by the man.

"Mickey." He said in a huff while the Protector also corrected the Doctor, sounding more bored.

"Ricky." The Doctor glared at the Protector as he said it again. "If I was to tell you what I was doing to the controls of my frankly magnificent timeship, would you even begin to understand?"

"I suppose not." He answered with a small mumble.

The Protector shook her head. "He's patching the radar of the ship into the console."

"Well, now you've ruined the fun of the mystery!" The Doctor huffed.

The Protector smirked. "He's doing it so we can see the path the ship took," the Time Lady looked from the Doctor to Mickey, "because it wasn't an alien so it had to come from Earth but the question is when and where."

Mickey slowly nodded and then turned to look at Rose. "I looked for you every day. On every street corner, wherever I went, looking for a blue box for a whole year."

Rose shrugged slightly. "It's only been a few days for me. I don't know. It's, it's hard to tell inside this thing but I swear it's just a few days since I left you."

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