Aliens of London - II

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I'm on a roll! 
Only the Protector today, sadly no Hollie because I am SHATTERED I've had a busy week at work but I'd done so much writing, I cannot wait for you all to see the chapters I have coming up ;)


A short while later the Protector huffed as even more people crowded in the small flat, Jackie inviting almost everyone she knew over to celebrate Rose coming home. "A body of some sort has been found inside the wreckage of the spacecraft." Hitchinson reminded.

"Oh, guess who asked me out," Jackie said to her friends. "Billy Crewe."

"Brought to the nearest shore. Unconfirmed reports say that the body is of extra-terrestrial origin. An extraordinary event unfolding here live here in Central London. The body is being transferred to a secure unit mortuary, the whereabouts is yet unknown. The roads in Central London are being-"

The Protector blinked as the channel changed again, this time to a kid's TV show. She looked at the Doctor and shook her head, a young toddler now sat on his lap and had stolen the remote. "And when you've stuck your fins on, you can cover the whole lot in buttercream." A man said, showing what looked like a spaceship cake. "Oh, look at that. Then ice it any colour you want. Here's one I made a little bit earlier." He said, the Protector stood up and took the remote from the Doctor and the child he had been wrestling for it. They both blinked up at the Time Lady as she switched the TV back and sat down.

"Albion Hospital." Hitchinson continued. "We still don't know whether it's alive or dead. Whitehall is denying everything. But the body has been brought here, Albion Hospital. The road's closed off. It's the closest to the river. I'm being told that General Asquith is now entering the hospital. The building's been evacuated. The patients have been moved out onto the streets. The police still won't confirm the presence of an alien body contained inside those walls."

The TV moved from Hitchinson outside the hospital to now back at ten downing-street. "Mystery still surrounds the whereabouts of the Prime Minister. He's not been seen since the emergency began. The opposition are criticising his lack of leadership, and." He paced a finger to his ear as he was spoken to through his earpiece. "Hold on..." A car pulled up outside Downing-street and a large man with black hair stepped out. "Oh, that's Joseph Green, MP for Hartley Dale." The man said sounding slightly disappointed. "He's Chairman of the Parliamentary Commission on the monitoring of sugar standards in exported confectionary. With respect, hardly the most important person right now."

The Time Lady frowned before she stood up and exited the flat. The Doctor quickly following her. "You following me now?" The Protector asked, not even looking back at him as she walked away from the front door of the flat and rested her hands on the railing and looked out at the powell estate.

"Too many humans just milling about." The Time Lord said aloud, standing next to her. The two of them didn't look at each other and just looked ahead. "It isn't making any sense."

The Time Lady nodded in agreement. "I'm not liking it one bit, it feels dangerous, too dangerous."

The Doctor nodded. "We need to get up close to the ship."

"By ourselves." The Protector added, now looking at the Doctor and giving him a pointed look. "Or you may just get a Jackie Tyler slap again."

The Doctor rolled his eyes. "I'm telling you it hurt, imagine you getting slapped by her!"

The Protector crossed her arms and smirked. "Jackie likes me though, probably because I'm not rude." She narrowed her eyes at him.

The Doctor huffed in annoyance and Rose walked out of her flat, frowning at them. "And where do you think you're both going?" She questioned.

Fighting Against Fire [One] (The Protector Chronicles)Where stories live. Discover now