World War Three - II

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Does anyone else get to the point where they have procrastinated enough and want the thing they've been procrastinating over with? Or am I the only person who gets like that?

I just want to get onto book two AND I want the Doctor and the Stone and Araya back. There's an excellent reason they haven't come back yet and if my maths is correct (usually it sadly isn't because I am atrocious at it) I can upload the Rings of Akhaten soon! So fingers crossed on that one.

─── 。゚☆・*.☽ .* ☆゚. ───

The Protector sat in the same spot, on the same chair for well over eight hours, she knew it was eight hours because she was a Time Lord and could physically sense the time passing. It was extremely boring yet she managed to stay in the same spot, there was no use in her moving around the small room again, she had silently watched the Doctor check every inch of it seven hours ago.

While she was sat in the chair at the deck Mickey had been working at his computer for most of the night, calling up emergency numbers the Doctor had given him between taking and putting back every corner of the room before he paced the room over and over couple of times, his eyes briefly glancing over to Rose who had managed to somehow get into a comfortable position in one of the chairs and managed to get a few hours of sleep after fighting it off for a while.

The phone rang and the Protector's eyes opened for the first time in six hours.

"All right, Doctor," Jackie said on the other line. "I'm not saying I trust you, but there must be something else you can do."

"If we could ferment the port, we could make acetic acid," Harriet said.

"Mickey, any luck?"

"All on voicemail." He replied.

"Voicemail dooms us all." Harriet sighed.

"If we could just get out of here."

"There is actually a way out." The Protector remarked casually, looking nowhere in particular as she spoke.

"What?" Rose asked, turning to the Time Lady.

"Leah?" The Doctor questioned.

"There's always been a way out." She shrugged, still not looking at anyone in the room. She swallowed slightly as the cogs in her brain churned.

"Then why don't we use it?" Rose finally asked the question the Protector had been dreading since she spoke moments ago.

The Protector sighed and finally turned her attention to look at the Doctor with a slightly saddened look for a moment before addressing the phone on the table. "All this time you've been at the Doctor saying how he is dangerous and I've just let him take it," she looked away from the phone as the Doctor frowned slightly, almost surprised that she had admitted that instead of letting the other Time Lord take hit after hit, "but the truth is I can be just as dangerous Jackie." She shook her head. "I am just as dangerous, there's no doubt about it and I'm sorry you thought I was something I'm not but what I am is the Protector and that includes everyone on this Earth. If I go through with the plan in my head I won't be able to guarantee that your daughter will be safe."

"Don't you dare." Jackie snapped down the phone, voice full of warning. "Whatever it is, don't you dare."

"That's the thing." She sighed. "If I don't, everyone dies."

"Do it," Rose said, looking the Protector in the eye.

"Rose you don't even know what it is." The Protector told her. "And you'd just let me?"

Fighting Against Fire [One] (The Protector Chronicles)Where stories live. Discover now