Aliens of London - I

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I told you I'd be back soon!

Guess who got their promotion?????? ME

I know I already said this on my profile but ITS FINALLY GONE THROUGH the stupid amount of courses I have been on and the hours of e-learning and shadowing has paid off so thank CHRIST for that one. I'm sorry I haven't updated anything any sooner than now but I really had no time after all the things going on irl but I'm here and I have chapters ready to go so let's dive straight into it with one of my favourite episodes of series 1 purely for how much I have to work with for this episode, it's absolutely fantastic ;) and the episode along with the second part is great too!


The Protector groaned as the TARDIS made a small thud as it landed, her hands gripping onto the console to stop herself from losing her balance. Rose looked at the Doctor curiously as he nodded. "Here we go." He grinned. "Back in London, England."

The Time Lady shook her head as she spoke up: "If only the TARDIS and you would let me fly us, there'd be no thudding and bumping and the TARDIS brakes wouldn't be as worn as they are."

The Doctor narrowed his eyes at her and her comments while Rose frowned at the two and their conversations that were so confusing she wasn't even going to attempt to understand them. She looked to the doors of the TARDIS and headed towards them, the Time Lords following her. "How long have I been gone?" she asked as she stepped out of the TARDIS, she glanced around the familiar powel estate the TARDIS was parked in, graffiti scribbled in large writing on the walls and a slightly chilly breeze in the air.

The Doctor shook his head, looking at the Protector. "Even if I wanted to," he then pointed at her, "which I don't. You know the TARDIS would never agree to let you pilot her, not unless you actually aren't an ass to me or you became a pilot of her which is never happening."

The Protector almost gagged at the thought and shook her head as the Doctor looked at Rose to answer her question:

"About twelve hours."

The Protector frowned at his reply as she looked around the buildings and a small nagging feeling in the back of her head told her the Doctor was wrong. Why did it feel like anything but twelve hours? She licked her finger and held it in the air slightly before shaking her head. It definitely hadn't been twelve hours that was for sure, potentially twelve days? She wasn't exactly sure, not that she'd even try to correct or convince the Doctor otherwise, she knew far too well that the grumpy Time Lord wouldn't listen, even if there were all the signs pointing towards it, unless he had the facts right in front of him he would never hear it.

"Oh. Right," Rose replied. "I won't be long. I just want to see my mum."

"What're you going to tell her?" The Doctor curiously asked as Rose started to head off.

"I don't know." She shrugged, turning around to them, walking backwards towards the stairs of the estate now. "I've been to the year five billion and only been gone, what, twelve hours?" She shook her head. "No, I'll just tell her I spent the night at Shareen's. See you later. Oh, don't you two disappear." She pointed at them before running up the stairs to her flat.

The Time Lady raised a brow as she walked over to an old, half-torn poster stapled to a wall, she pulled the poster off and her eyes scanned the page. Big red bold letters ran across the top of the poster. 'CAN YOU HELP ME?' and an image of Rose smiling on the right of a paragraph of text describing what she was wearing the day she went missing. "Are you really sure it was twelve hours big ears?" She held the paper up to him, happy to have her evidence now. She watched as his eyes filled with dread while he stormed over to her and snatched the paper from her hands. He suddenly dropped it and ran off in the direction Rose had left in.

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