Rose - I

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It's time to finally go back to this series that I created a good few months ago. I am so excited to get this series going.


Rose Tyler groaned as her alarm beeped again alerting her it was sadly time to get up. She groaned and rolled over, checking the time before she sighed and sat up a moment before she dragged herself out of bed.

She got dressed and forced herself to leave her room, she spotted her mother, sitting on the sofa and watching TV. Rose moved into the living room and kissed her mother on the cheek, she then headed to the door to leave for another day at work. "Bye!" Rose called to her mother, Jackie as she headed out.

"See you later!" Jackie replied.


Rose jumped off the bus as it came to a stop outside Henricks department store and sighed as she entered the shop to start working.


The day went on and Rose moved and sorted clothes in the store, fixing what customers left lying around after deciding they didn't want the piece of clothing, it soon got to lunch and as she did almost every day during her break she met up with her boyfriend, Mickey in Trafalgar square for lunch.

Eventually, it got to the end of the day when the store would be closing, Rose smiled as the announcement came over the speaker, she finished what she was doing and headed for the door with the other shop workers.

"Oi!" One of the guards of the shop waved a plastic bag in front of her face and made her groan when he shoved the bag at her and ordered her to take it down to Wilson the electrician.

Rose headed down to the basement using the lift and walked through the corridor surrounded by multiple boxes. "Wilson?" She called out. "Wilson, I've got the lottery money." She tried the door and sighed in frustration upon finding out that it was locked. "Wilson, are you there?" She asked. "I can't hang about 'cos they're closing the shop. Wilson! Oh, come on."

Rose whipped her head around when she heard a clattering noise further along down the corridor. "Hello?" Rose narrowed her eyes to help her see. "Hello, Wilson, it's Rose." There was no reply. "Hello? Wilson?"

Rose headed further down the corridor and opened the door to the storage department where shop window dummies were scattered around. "Wilson?" She called out. "Wilson!"

Rose turned around when the door behind her suddenly slammed shut, she sprinted back and tried to open the door but it was no use. "You're kidding me."

She turned around again when there was another sound of items falling on the floor. "Is that someone mucking about? Who is it?"

One of the dummies then began to move, slowly turning its head to watch her before it moved towards the blonde. "Yeah, you got me." She let out a nervous laugh. "Very funny."

A second and then a third followed. "Right, I've got the joke. Who's idea was this?" She asked and narrowed her eyes. "Is it Derek's? Is it? Derek, is this you?"

She began to move back as the dummies continued to walk towards her, she pressed herself up again the wall as one of the dummies raised an arm up at her. Her eyes widened when she felt something grabbed at her wrist, turning her head she saw a man in a jumper and a black leather jacket with dark brown hair. "Run"

Dragging Rose Tyler along the man ran into a closing lift and frowned seeing a black-haired woman, dressed in a black and white diamond styled top, a denim jacket and dark red jeans with yellow trainers, she didn't look up from where she was fiddling with a bunch of wires before she placed the panel back where it belonged in the wall. The man in the leather jackets eyes then narrowed and he suddenly clocked on. "It's you!"

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