Same Room, Different TARDIS

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The Protector crossed her arms and huffed walked down what she swore was the same corridor for the tenth time. "You're doing this on purpose." She accused the TARDIS pointing at the air.

Rose shook her head. "You're not talking to anything."

"No." The Protector waved an arm at the human. "I am talking to the TARDIS, she's taking us in circles."

"Maybe she's unhappy with you."

"Me?" She frowned at the blonde. "What have I done."

The TARDIS beeped and the Protector rolled her eyes. "Right so I have done something." She muttered. "What was it?" She thoughtfully mumbled to herself. Her eyebrows rose. "Was it because I called you the Doctors girlfriend, if so then I didn't really mean it, you know."

The TARDIS beeped again in the same tone as before and a door materialised on the Protectors left. "Yes!" The Time Lady cheered and smiled at the door, the word 'Protector' with Gallifreyan drawn underneath.

Rose frowned and pointed at the text. "What does that say?"

"It's my name." The Time Lady replied and lightly grazed her forefinger over the text. "In my home language."

"Which is."

"Gallifreyan." She smiled.

"Is each circle a letter?" Rose asked.

"No." The Time Lady shook her head. "Each of the bigger circles is a word. Inside that, the smaller circles and the lines are the letters."

"But that's a lot of words for one name."

The Protector nodded. "I'm not just called 'the Protector' Rose, that's just my title."

Rose frowned. "What do you mean."

"It's complicated." She waved an arm. "My real name is far too long as you can see, there is a shortened version of it that a small few know but the long version, that's mine and only mine now."

"What's the point in that?" Rose asked. "Why have a name if no one knows it?"

"Why have secrets if you're not going to tell them?" The Time Lady countered with a smirk.

"Why then?"

"To keep everyone guessing of course."

"Right." Rose nodded before she stared at the door. "Wait you don't like the Doctor so why do you have a room on his TARDIS?"

"I just made it." The Protector answered. "Clever isn't it?"

"You made it?"

"Mhm." The Time Lady nodded and pointed at the golden brown, door made out of wood. "Inside that door is a replica of my own room that was in my TARDIS, every exact detail I have remembered from my own, if I can't remember it then it isn't important enough to go in."

"How do I do that?"

"You just think." She answered and lightly patted Rose's shoulder. "The TARDIS will help you."


"Well she's sort of telepathic, all TARDIS' are."

"You mean she is in my head?" Rose asked.

"Yeah." The Time Lady nodded with a smile. "In a nice way though, she isn't going to go diving into any secrets of yours, if you don't want her to look at something imagine it being behind a locked door." The Protector pointed at Rose in excitement. "Better yet imagine it in a chained box in the room with the locked door."


"You'll get used to it, and big ears as well, if he's rude or anything just tell me and I'll flick his annoying elephant ears."

Rose laughed and shook her head. "I think I'm going to try the room thing later, I want to go find the Doctor to see what we're doing."

"Okay." The Protector smiled. "The TARDIS will show you the way, tell him I'll be down soon, just need to sort my things about."

"Alright." Rose nodded and headed off. "Thanks as well."

"What for?" The Time Lady frowned and tilted her head slightly. "What did I do?"

"Talk to me about this, it's a bit scary, alien ship, two strange aliens."

The Protector smiled and nodded. "Always here if you need to chat Rose, I'm more understanding than the Northaner."

Rose laughed in agreement before she turned around and headed back through the hallway to find the Doctor and the console room.


Oh, I've missed the Protector so much. I know this was only short, trust me you'll see more of her soon 100% guaranteed. I enjoyed making this short chapter showing the friendship between the Protector and Rose, I honestly can't wait for their friendship to grow. Until next time!

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