Chapter 7

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Before you carry on, plz GO FOLLOW FangirlisticFever because cats. And go to her Minecraft pc server, Ok, back to the story…

  On this particular day, the sun was beating down relentlessly on Luna's school as if it had lost its way, and thought it was in Africa. Luna and Lily were having their lunch break, and they were sat at a picnic table on the field.

  Since Luna was just out of the hospital, her stomach muscles and the area around there hadn't fully healed yet, so Luna couldn't eat much. When they were walking back to class, someone slipped a piece of paper in Luna's pocket. She was oblivious.

  After the last class ended, Luna found the note sticking out. She drew it out and read it. On it was written: meet me at the school back corner alley after school. It didn't state why, or who it was from. Just that one sentence. She told Lily, and Lily said, "If you're curious, just go. I've not got time to spare; piano lessons awaiting." And she walked off.

  Luna decided to go, because why not? There was a figure wearing a brown cloak, hunched on a bench there. "Uh… you called me here?" Luna said. The cloaked figure turned and removed the hood. "Yes," he replied, his skin wrinkled and saggy, his dullen eyes staring at her. "I have a quest for you. Go to this address," he handed her another slip of paper, "and be back by tomorrow. Remember to take the left turn! Meet me here, same time. If you're not back by then, well I'm afraid it would be difficult to get back." Then he just vanished. Poof! In a blink of an eye, he was gone.

  Confusion washed over Luna. "What the fuck," she muttered, staring down at the paper. It read, "56 Parlimount Road, Ganter Street" and was scrawled in a scribble. (Its not a real address, i just made it up) She shrugged off the fact that the old man just disappeared and strolled back home.

  "Hey," Luna smiled as she reached home. Dumping her bag on the sofa, Tom shushed her and the three people in the house watched Lily play Heaven-Piercing Giga Drill on the piano. Luna thought about telling Lily the events of what happened, but on a second thought, maybe it would be better not to.

  She pushed the thought to the back of her mind and distracted herself with Lily's fdudu good piano skills. Afterwards, the four of them had dinner, a tasty pan of pizza.

  In the night, much, much later it was almost midnight, Luna decided to drive to the address. In her car, the GPS said, "Turn right." And she turned right. But she forgot the old man's words: remember to take the left turn. That piece of advice- well, not advice, actually, an important note rather- left her brain the instant her ears heard it.

  It was raining, it was dark, it was late- well, it was 1am in the morning, so technically it was early, and Luna could hardly see. Suddenly, the headlights highlighted a random tree in the middle of the road. Luna avoided it in the nick of time. But then, a large cow came up and blocked her path. She certainly couldn't avoid it, it was right bang splat in the middle of the road, and it was too big anyways. Confused by the sudden appearance of the ridiculously big cow(no offense if MissMilk-Stache is reading), Luna didn't know what to do, so she just spun the wheel violently.

   Her car bumped and jolted as it bounced over the rocky roadside. She collected her thoughts. Luna was unhurt, but dazzled.

  She sprang out of the car, checking for any damage done, her clothes soaking the rain as she hobbled to the road. In the darkness it was difficult to see anything much.

  With a shiver of fear, she raced back to the car. She stuck the key into the ignition and twisted it violently, but the starter coughed, spluttered and died. She tried again fruitlessly, but a single shudder was all the engine could manage.

  Luna grabbed hold of the wheel with her sweaty palms and shook it desperatly. But the battery was dead. Her car was certainly not going to move. The situation was hopeless;the rain was pouring down in buckets. And now, the plight of her car was paramount.

  Just then, she caught sight of a rather faint, flickering glow in the distance. As she squinted, Luna noticed that it was a house. Well, at least some dark shape resembling a house.

  The gears worked in her mind. If she were to walk-well, run- all the way to that 'house', seemingly it was miles away, she would be soaked all the way down to her soles. She could camp in her car for the night, and call the garage in the morning. That seemed like a better idea since… well she wouldn't get wet. But what about bears? Her mind argued with herself. Shut up, there are no fucking bears here. But there isn't any heat! Who the fuck fucking cares? I do. You should too. Well I fucking DON'T. Luna frowned, unsure which side to side.

  "Ugggghhhh." She groaned exasperatedly. Shaking her head, she blinked hard twice, before slowly pushing open the car door, and stepping out in the cold, windy, rainy night. The moment she got out of the shelter of the car, she was drenched.

  With water sloshing in her shoes and her now-uncomfortable-wet socks, she trudged her way through the rain to the house.

  Wheb she reached the house, the warm, illuminating glow shone on Luna, her cheeks burning slightly. There was a knocker and a bell. Sighing, and not wanting to argue which to knock/pull, she simply walked up to the door and knocked with the knocker.

  A new light was switched on on the upper level of the house. She heard muffled shuffling, then the door opened. The man who stood behind was most definitely not who Luna expected it to be.


  (Guess which livestream part of this story was based on)


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